Here on Anomalous (A BARK Studios production) episodes will be uploaded weekly at 11:00 am GMT -5 on Sunday. All information found in this podcast as well as th...
I’m in the hospital right now. The doctors don’t know what’s going on but they think it might be cancer. I’m not going to upload until I’m better so we’ll see when the next episode is.
SCP 3288
Hi everyone, Dr. Eggs here from BARK studios and this week we bring you SCP 3288, The Aristocrats. Which was written by metaphysician. SCP Wiki: Check out: TheRubber, Dr. Bob, SCP Explained, Detective Void, The Exploring series, SCP Animated, NewScapePro SCP, Detective Nicolette, and Random SCP Animation on YouTube! Anomalous and all information in it is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 copyright license.
SCP 6000
Hi everyone, Dr. Eggs here from BARK studios and this week we bring you SCP 6000, The serpent, the moose, and the wanderers library. Which was written by rounderhouse. SCP Wiki: Check out: TheRubber, Dr. Bob, SCP Explained, Detective Void, The Exploring series, SCP Animated, NewScapePro SCP, Detective Nicolette, and Random SCP Animation on YouTube! Anomalous and all information in it is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 copyright license.
SCP 4006
Hi everyone, Dr. Eggs here from BARK studios and this week we bring you SCP 4006, #Massatruthetts. Which was written by DarkStuff. SCP Wiki: Check out: TheRubber, Dr. Bob, SCP Explained, Detective Void, The Exploring series, SCP Animated, NewScapePro SCP, Detective Nicolette, and Random SCP Animation on YouTube! Anomalous and all information in it is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 copyright license.
SCP 3008
Hi everyone, Dr. Eggs here from BARK studios and this week we bring you SCP 3008, a perfectly normal, regular old IKEA. Which was written by Mortos. SCP Wiki: Check out: TheRubber, Dr. Bob, SCP Explained, Detective Void, The Exploring series, SCP Animated, NewScapePro SCP, Detective Nicolette, and Random SCP Animation on YouTube! Anomalous and all information in it is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 copyright license.
Here on Anomalous (A BARK Studios production) episodes will be uploaded weekly at 11:00 am GMT -5 on Sunday. All information found in this podcast as well as the podcast itself are licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 copyright license.