An in-depth look at different eras of Doctor Who. Each month, your hosts Ken Hart and Mike Ferguson celebrate the wonderful moments of the show, criticize the t...
Episode 48 - The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
It's been a while ... but Ken & Mike are back, with a new episode looking at both "The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of the Moon"! They're certainly some of the more unsettling stories in the Eleventh Doctor era (and the opening five minutes of "Impossible Astronaut"? WILD.) However, did our hosts actually like these stories? Tune in and find out ... and then check how many tick marks you have on your hands and face when you're done.
Episode 47 - The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
A season finale involving the end of the universe ... ? Yeah, that could be a lot of Doctor Who finales. A brilliant two-part finale that gets complicated? That narrows it down to one of the best Who series finales of all time, The Pandorica Opens & The Big Bang! This month, Ken & Mike discuss these two episodes and how they offer just about the best of everything the show can do. So, grab a mop and a fez, and have a listen!
Episode 46 - The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
"What do you know of the Weeping Angels?" And with that, Ken & Mike get into the heart of an all-time two-part Doctor Who classic, "The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone". There's a ton of stuff for our hosts to unpack in this episode - the evolution of the Weeping Angels from "Blink", how the story operates on multiple levels at once, how the mystery of River Song slowly unfurls ... and even behind the scenes, how damn good Matt Smith and Karen Gillan are in this, considering it's the first story of Doctor Who that they actually filmed. Is it the best story in Doctor Who history? (Spoilers ... that would be telling!)
Episode 45 - Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Hello, sweeties! After a short break, Ken & Mike are starting a new season of "Prepare the Timelash!!" with an in-depth look at the adventures of one River Song! We start with River Song's first televised adventure with the Doctor (or is it the last? Timey-wimeyness!) in "Silence of the Library/Forest of the Dead". If you're a regular listener, welcome back - and if you're new, welcome aboard, as we fully move into some great stories and the era of Modern Doctor Who! (We'd tell you more details about this episode, but ... spoilers.)
Bonus Episode 6 - Pyramids of Mars
And with this bonus episode, Ken & Mike close out Season 3 of "Prepare the Timelash!!" with a look at a Fourth Doctor classic, "Pyramids of Mars". They get into a lot with this one, including why the Fourth Doctor/Sarah Jane pair is so darn good, why Sutekh the Destroyer is one of the best villains ever to grace the show, and Robert Holmes' predilection for poachers in a story. Did they save the best story for last in this season? Listen and find out!
An in-depth look at different eras of Doctor Who. Each month, your hosts Ken Hart and Mike Ferguson celebrate the wonderful moments of the show, criticize the things that went wrong, and lament "what could've been". In Season 1, they covered the Sixth Doctor, Season 2 looked at Leela's adventures with the Fourth Doctor, and Season 3 examined stories featuring the Guardians of Time. Now, in Season 4, it's a journey in modern Doctor Who with a look at River Song's adventures with the Doctor!