Educators around the world are studying the work of the Reggio Emilia preschools and infant-toddler centers. Their approach is rooted in a belief that children ...
Rosalba Bortolotti is a highly experienced and dedicated pedagogist, presenter, pedagogical consultant, author, and the Founder & Executive Director at Acorn Collaborative in Ontario, Canada.
Infants, Toddlers, and Twos with Jen Kesselring and Jerry Bates
Jennifer Kesselring and Jerry Bates, two of the authors of Curated Moments: Reggio Inspired Classrooms for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos, will help you seek, ask, and answer new questions about the images of children, teachers, and learning in settings for our youngest children.
A Work in Progress with Leslie Hurd
Leslie Hurd, an atelierista and long-time student of the Reggio Approach and the thinking of young children, shares beautiful stories and experiences of partnering with children in their research.
Authentic Learning with Lisa Kuh
Lisa Kuh is the co-author of Complementary Curriculum Approach: Transform Your Practice Through Intentional Teaching.
Check out her website at
Contexts and Connections with Dr. Naama Zoran
Dr. Naama Zoran is back to elevate our understanding of the importance of CONTEXT in the Reggio Approach. What does this mean for us as we are setting up our classrooms for the new year? As we are planning for deeper experiences? Stay tuned...
Educators around the world are studying the work of the Reggio Emilia preschools and infant-toddler centers. Their approach is rooted in a belief that children are capable citizens who are curious, full of knowledge, and interested in connecting to the world around them.
Hosted by Sandy Lanes, this podcast is a series of conversations with remarkable people who are changing the landscape of early childhood education through the lens of the Reggio approach.
For professional development and consulting, go to
Music composed and performed by the amazing Jack Gruber