Blues Therapy Radio has been on the air since 2004. Biggdaddy Ray Hansen has been inducted into the official Blues Hall of Fame and is the deejay and owner of ...
This 2-hour show is slammed full of great new music and has been broadcast multiple times on FM radio as well as online stations all over the world. It's all yours for free to download or stream. All we ask is that you go to Blues therapy Radio on Facebook and follow us.
Biggdaddy Ray Hansen
Blues Therapy radio #1015
This 2-Hour Episode has already been around the world on multiple formats.
Biggdaddy Ray Hansen
PS. Follow Blues Therapy Radio on Facebook for an on-air shoutout
Blues Therapy Radio #1014
This 2-hour episode of Blues Therapy Radio is now available, after playing all across the world on many different stations, for your streaming or downloading pleasure. Please visit Blues Therapy Radio on Facebook and "follow" us
Biggdaddy Ray Hansen
Blues Therapy Radio #1013
This 2-Hour episode of Blues Therapy is full of Hand-picked goodness for your listening pleasure. I know you'll love it.
Please "follow" Blues Therapy Radio Worldwide on Facebook. Do it today!
Biggdaddy Ray Hansen
Blues Therapy Radio #1012
This 2hour show includes hand-picked new music as well as classics. I hope you enjoy it. You can leave feedback on the Blues Therapy Radio Worldwide Facebook page. Please "follow" the page as well to keep up to date on current happenings.
Happy New Year!
Biggdaddy Ray Hansen
Blues Therapy Radio has been on the air since 2004. Biggdaddy Ray Hansen has been inducted into the official Blues Hall of Fame and is the deejay and owner of this award winning radio program.