On the second episode we explore the other side of Brazilian History: the Portuguese point of view.
Let's together explore the reasons that lauched Portugal to the seas and brang than to America.
Instagram: @br.forbeginners
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Catarse: Brazil for Beginners (catarse.me)
Brazilian History #1 - Once Upon a Time
This is the very first episode of Brazil for Beginners. So I decided to make a prequel. In this episode I wanted to expose a bit of what was Brazil before the portuguese arrival, in 1500. Who were the peoples of Brazil? Do Those native groups still exist? Come to discover! ;)
Instagram: @br.forbeginners
Consider supporting on our project :)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/brforbeginners
Songs used on this episode:
- Main title (The Last of the Mohicans) - Randy Edelman & Trevor Jones;
- Pindorama - Palavra Cantada