Galactic Heartbeats explores the connection between humans and the universe through the lens of trauma informed inquiry. Join hosts Dr. Raediant and Bright Star...
What do The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and the recent NHI "drone" sightings have in common? More than you think! Join hosts Dr. Raediant and Bright Star as they explore the top 10 ways a green grouch and mysterious visitors from the outer space challenge humanity to rethink its values during the holiday season.
Samples by Pierced Ears Recording Co.
Field Recording of Little Drummer Boy by Bright Star
The Program by James Fox
In this episode of Galactic Heartbeats, we explore James Fox’s The Program, which includes an eerie desert encounter where a retired military officer and his crew stumble upon a pale, bluish figure in Nevada, a stunning UFO photo taken in Scotland, and the story of a UK hacker who accessed secret US UFO files. And of course, the latest "Drone" news this week.
Watch The Program | Prime Video
The Program - Apple TV
Sound Design by Bright Star
Samples by Pierced Ears Recording Co.
Pierced Ears Recording Co. // Aaron C Schroeder | recording studio | Seattle, WA, USA
New Jersey’s Orb Outrage
In this episode we discuss the continued government denial and non-response to orbs and UAPs.
Find us on Instagram @galactic__heartbeatspod
Show Notes:
Music by Wishbeard
East Coast “Drones”
Continuing coverage of the east coast UAP experience.
Special News Break: NJ “Drones”
“Drones” the size of SUVS are all over NJ and parts of the east coast. The FBI is asking the public for help. Music by Lossy FormatSound by MothrockConnect with us @galactic__heartbeatspod on Instagram
Galactic Heartbeats explores the connection between humans and the universe through the lens of trauma informed inquiry. Join hosts Dr. Raediant and Bright Star as they embark on an odyssey through literature, personal narratives, and UAP phenomena. Explore existential queries, unearth ghostly tales, and embrace the alien within us all.