Galactic Heartbeats illuminates the connection between humans and the universe through the lens of alien life. Join hosts Dr. Raediant and Bright Star as they e...
“Drones” the size of SUVS are all over NJ and parts of the east coast. The FBI is asking the public for help. Music by Lossy FormatSound by MothrockConnect with us @galactic__heartbeatspod on Instagram
Imminent: Into the Void & Secrets in Their Brains
Join us as we explore Chapters 9 and 10 of Luis Elizondo's Imminent: Into the Void and The Secrets in Their Brains. We'll uncover hidden truths about consciousness, intelligence, and the mysteries Elizondo believes are key to understanding non-human phenomena.
Special thanks to Mothrock for sound design and Lossy Format for the music that sets the tone.
Luis Elizondo - Home of UAP Disclosure
Chapter 6 of Luis Elizondo's Imminent: Orbs
Chapter 6: Orbs!
Dr. Raediant and Bright Star share about their favorite chapter of the book. In this standout section, Elizondo truly hits his writing stride, captivating readers with vivid accounts of the mysterious orbs he’s witnessed—even within the walls of his own home.
Luis Elizondo - Home of UAP Disclosure
Music by Lossy Format
Sound by Mothrock
Nov. 13th, 2024 Congressional UAP Hearing
Bright Star & Dr. Raediant give their hot takes as they watch this historic hearing. Music by Lossy Format. Sound by Mothrock.
Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
Witnesses and testimonies:
Dr. Tim Gallaudet
Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (RET.)Chief Executive Officer, Ocean STL Consulting, LLCDocument
Luis Elizondo
Author, and Former Department of Defense OfficialDocument
Michael GoldFormer NASA Associate Administrator of Space Policy and Partnerships; Member of NASA UAPIndependent Study TeamDocument
Michael Shellenberger
Founder of PublicDocument
Chapter 5 of Luis Elizondo's Imminent: Writing on the Wall
This chapter explores the discovery of hieroglyphics on various crafts, drawing intriguing parallels between angels, demons, and extraterrestrial beings. Elizondo delves into the connection between ancient technology and mysterious symbols, suggesting a link between ancient civilizations and the entities we now associate with UAPs. Music by Lossy Format. Sound by Mothrock.
Galactic Heartbeats illuminates the connection between humans and the universe through the lens of alien life. Join hosts Dr. Raediant and Bright Star as they embark on an odyssey through literature, personal narratives, and poignant discussions on technology and our shared home - Earth. Explore existential queries, unearth ghostly tales, and embrace the alien within us all.