Welcome to the History for kids by kids podcast, where amazing things happen. I love History and want to share my knowledge with you. Come and join me on a ques...
Legacy and influence of Etruscan civilization on modern world.
In this episode of the history for kids by kids podcast we are back with a new two part series about the etruscans. The Etruscan civilization is a mysterious one and we have limited information about them. Despite being relatively unknown they were a major influence on Ancient Rome and therefore on our modern world. Join me on part one of our dive into the Etruscan civilization where we investigate their impact and legacy on this installment of history for kids by kids.
US History. Religious freedom. Mayflower ship. Colonization of Plymouth.
Today's episode is about Puritan's way of finding religious freedom, sailing on a Mayflower ship to the New World and establishing a Plymouth Colony. We take an in-depth look at the reasons that lead Puritans to leave England and the struggles they encountered once on a new continent. I hope you enjoy this episode.
Lets connect! instagram.com/a.kid.that.knows.everything
U.S history: founding of jamestown and the early english colonization.
welcome to History for kids by kids podcast. in this episode of my podcast, I discuss the interesting history behind Jamestown and the colonys at Roanoke. we get an in depth look at the end of Spanish power and influence and the rise to prominence of England.
Early US History.
Hi friends! Welcome back to my podcast! Today I would like to talk to you about the early US history. We will discuss everything from how Native people made it to the modern day America, Christopher Columbus and Spanish conquistadors. I hope you enjoy this episode.
By the way, you can reach me at instagram.com/a.kid.that.knows.everything I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas for future episodes.
You can also check out my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/tshirtsbymichael
Great Depression part 2
In this episode we go into detail about the new deal policies and how world war 2 helped the economy as well as other measures taken to end the horrifying 10 year depression
Welcome to the History for kids by kids podcast, where amazing things happen. I love History and want to share my knowledge with you. Come and join me on a quest thru times.