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PodcastsReligião e espiritualidadesKeys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
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Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids

Podcast Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys For Kids Ministries
Keys for Kids is a daily storytelling show based on the Keys for Kids children's devotional. Hosted by Zach, this podcast combines Scripture readings with capt...

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  • Amendments and Salvation
    Bible Reading: John 10:27-30Tyler walked into the kitchen where his mom was preparing supper. They were going to a special program at church that night, so they would be eating earlier than usual.Mom looked up and smiled. "Hi, Tyler. What have you been doing?""I've been reading," Tyler replied. "I'm learning some pretty cool stuff about the United States.""What kind of stuff?" Mom asked as she began mixing up a salad. Tyler reached for the lettuce and started shredding it. "I found out that once a state approves an amendment to its constitution, it can't change it. I guess the state has to be pretty sure that it agrees with the amendment!""That's interesting," Mom said. "But what's really interesting is that if a state rejects an amendment, it can change its mind later," Tyler added. He sighed. Even though he had been reading all afternoon, he'd been thinking about something else too."What's wrong?" Mom asked, glancing at him over the salad bowl.Tyler sighed again. "I don't really want to go to church tonight. Speakers at programs like that sometimes make me feel like I'm not saved. I worry that when I sin, I've lost my salvation and have to trust Jesus to save me all over again.""Tyler, it doesn't work that way," Mom said gently. "If you have truly placed your faith in Jesus and believe He died for your sins and rose again, then He has saved you, and you'll always be saved.""Really?" asked Tyler. "Yes. It's like what you were talking about with states amending their constitutions. Before a person is saved, they can reject the good news of Jesus over and over again, but God never gives up on them. That person can always change their mind. Once you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, there's nothing that can change it. You'll still sin, but Jesus promises to forgive you when you confess your sins to Him."Tyler thought about that. "But how can I keep from sinning?""Once you're saved, the Holy Spirit lives in you and helps you follow Jesus," said Mom. "But you still have to choose to listen and obey what He says. It isn't always easy, but even when you mess up, God will never let you go." - Julia KicinskiHow About You?Are you ever afraid that you might lose your salvation? Do you ever think God will give up on you because you sin too much? God loves you and promises never to abandon you. He will always forgive you when you sin and help you obey Him. When you trust Jesus to be your Savior, He will hold you so tightly that you will never be lost again.Today's Key Verse:And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. (NKJV) (John 10:28)Today's Key Thought:Salvation is forever
  • The Right Focus
    Bible Reading: Colossians 3:1-3, 8-10; Hebrews 12:1-2Dinner was finished, and Liam was just thinking about teasing his sister when she interrupted his plan. "Why did you have to stay in during recess today?" Naomi asked him. "I heard you and a bunch of other kids got caught cheating on a test."Liam swallowed hard, and it suddenly became very quiet in the kitchen. Only Nala, their dog, had anything to say as she yipped for a handout. "Nala, quiet." Dad said. Nala sat down immediately and waited."It wasn't a big deal," muttered Liam, but the look on Dad's face said otherwise. Liam sighed. "Chandler found the answer key and passed it around, and I kept thinking about honor roll, so…well, I snuck a look."Dad cut a scrap of meat and showed it to Nala. The dog licked her lips hungrily. "Nala, stay," Dad said firmly, then placed the meat on the floor in front of the dog. Nala thumped her tail excitedly, but she stayed where she was. "Liam, do you have any idea why Nala is able to resist the temptation to take the meat?" Liam grinned. "She probably knows Naomi helped make dinner tonight, and…ow!" His sister's elbow had made a direct hit to his ribs."Look at Nala's eyes," Dad said. "She's looking at me, right?" Liam nodded. "If Nala kept staring at the meat, she'd never be able to resist it," Dad explained. "Instead, she's focusing on her master." He turned toward Liam. "Whenever you're tempted, who should you focus on?""Jesus," Liam replied. "I know that, Dad. But it's so hard!""You're right. It's not easy," said Dad. "But God gives us the ability to do it. Because we trust in Jesus, He has set us free from sin and gives us power over temptation--and when we do sin, He offers us forgiveness. When we're tempted to do wrong things, it's important to direct our thoughts back toward Jesus and trust Him for the power to resist.""I was definitely more focused on my grades than I was on Jesus," Liam admitted.Dad picked up the scrap of meat and tossed it into the air. Nala caught and swallowed it, barely taking time to chew. She sat down and licked her lips again. It had been worth the wait. - A. J. Schut How About You?What are some temptations that you've experienced? If you're a Christian, remember that even when you give in to temptation and sin, God has already forgiven all your sins through the death and resurrection of His Son. Because you trust in Jesus, He has freed you from sin and given you the power to resist it. The next time you're tempted to do something wrong, redirect your attention to Jesus and the power you have in Him.Today's Key Verse:Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. (NIV) (Hebrews 12:1-2)Today's Key Thought:Focus on Jesus
  • Watch Your Walk
    Bible Reading: Colossians 1:9-12"What are these clothes for?" asked Violet. She was at her friend Olivia Johnson's house, and Mrs. Johnson had the dining room covered with dresses, pants, and some items of clothing Addy didn't even recognize.Olivia laughed. "Mom helps the high school drama department with costumes for their plays. She's going through old costumes to see which ones can be used again." Olivia picked up a red dress. "You want to try some on? Mom will let us, won't you, Mom?""If you girls are careful," said Mrs. Johnson.For the next hour or so, the girls went from being ladies from the 1700s to aliens from outer space. Their favorites were the animal costumes. Violet was a zebra, and Olivia was a lion. The costumes completely covered them except for air holes and a slit for their eyes. "Mrs. Johnson, my dad is out mowing the lawn. Can we walk past my house in our costumes? He won't know who we are, and I can't wait to see the look on his face!"Mrs. Johnson laughed. "Sure."The girls giggled as they quietly went out the back door and then behind some trees to the sidewalk. They didn't want Violet's dad to see them coming from the Johnson house. They waited until he turned the mower toward the sidewalk, then they hurriedly walked past him.Violet's dad turned off the mower. "Oh no! My daughter has turned into a zebra and her friend is a lion! What shall I do?"Violet removed the zebra head. "Daaad! How did you know it was us?"He laughed. "Your walk, Violet. I knew who you were by the way you were walking."The family had a good laugh about Violet's costume over supper that night. Then Violet had a thought. "This is kind of like what we were talking about last week, Dad, when I was having problems with some friends at school. You said people should know I'm a Christian by the way I live my life--that I needed to walk the Christian walk.""Exactly right," said Dad. "The Bible tells us that others should know we belong to Jesus by the way we walk. Every step we take should point to Him and His love for us."- Linda WeddleHow About You?Do others know you're a Christian by the way you walk? That doesn't mean whether you tiptoe or march, but how you live your life. Could someone tell you know Jesus and have His love in your heart by your kindness, patience, and joy? Or do you walk the same as everyone else? Walk in a way that shows others the love of Jesus. Today's Key Verse:The one who says he remains in him [Jesus] should walk just as he walked. (CSB) (1 John 2:6)Today's Key Thought:Walk like a Christian
  • The Pizza Party
    Bible Reading: Matthew 20:1-16; Ephesians 2:8-9"How was the pizza party?" Mom asked as Addy climbed into the car and buckled her seatbelt. Addy wasn't sure how to answer. She had chosen to give up her lunch recess five days in a row to help pick up litter, pull weeds from the cracked pavement, and spread new wood chips under the monkey bars. Being on the clean-up crew was hard work, but she didn't mind. The playground was looking so much better, and Ms. Chambers, the custodian, had promised the crew a pizza party as a reward."It was good and bad, I guess," Addy said. "Good because I got my favorite--pepperoni with extra cheese. Bad because Henry was there." "Henry was on the clean-up crew?" Mom's face looked surprised in the rearview mirror. Addy nodded. "But he was late every day and mostly just goofed around. Henry didn't work nearly as hard as the rest of us. I don't understand why he got to come to the party." "That reminds me of a story Jesus told about some workers who were hired to clear a field," Mom said. "Some of them started at nine in the morning, some at noon, some at three, and some at five. When the workday was over, the owner of the field paid everyone a full day's wage.""That's not fair!" Addy burst out. "The people who started later shouldn't have gotten the same pay as the ones who worked all day.""It might not seem fair, but instead of comparing the workers, maybe we can think about how generous the owner of the field was to all of them."Addy was quiet for a minute. She thought about how Ms. Chambers was always patient and kind to everyone--even the kids who made the biggest messes in the lunchroom. "Ms. Chambers is kind of like the owner of the field, isn't she? She kept her promise to all of us--even Henry, who did the least work of all.""Yes, Addy, and the owner of the field is like Jesus, who gives grace and keeps His promises to all of us who trust in Him. The way He works is sometimes hard for us to understand, but we can be grateful that He is always good." –Susie CrosbyHow About You?Do you sometimes feel frustrated when someone who didn't work as hard as you gets the same prize or payment? Sometimes things don't seem fair, but the good news is that God is generous and kind to everyone. None of us could earn the reward of eternal life with Him, but because Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again, we are all invited to the party in heaven forever. Today's Key Verse:For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. (NIV) (Ephesians 2:8-9)Today's Key Thought:God offers grace to everyone
  • The Perfect Answer
    Bible Reading: Psalm 66:16-20; Jeremiah 33:3"I wish my grandpa lived nearby," said Tariq as he and his friend Mason went to visit Mason's grandfather. "I wanted Grandpa to move here when Grandma died, but he didn't." Tariq had always wondered why God hadn't answered his prayer.Mason's grandpa was working outside when they arrived. He greeted them, then showed them where he was planting watermelon seeds. "You'll have to come back in the summer to eat some watermelon," he said.Just then they heard a door slam. An elderly man who lived next door had come outside. "Get out of here, you nasty critters!" the man hollered at some squirrels in his yard."He doesn't sound very happy," said Tariq.Mason's grandpa shook his head. "That's Hank Stone. He lives alone and doesn't have any family nearby. His only grandchild used to visit him, but he died in a car accident last year. I think the only people Hank sees now are a few old timers like me. He misses his relatives--especially his grandson."As they walked over to the edge of the lawn, Mr. Stone glared at them. Then his face softened, and he came over and stood in front of Tariq. "I don't know you," he said, "but you sure remind me of my grandson." Tears filled his eyes, and Tariq looked at him uncertainly, not knowing what to say. "My grandson, he--I don't see him anymore," the old man said.Tariq gave him a hesitant smile. "I live a couple blocks away--maybe I could come visit you sometimes. I could bring some of my mom's cookies." A smile spread across Mr. Stone's face.When Tariq arrived home, he told his mom about Mr. Stone. "Maybe I could adopt him as an extra grandpa since my own grandpa lives so far away."Mom smiled at him. "You know, Tariq, I think God may have answered your prayer to have your grandpa live nearby in a special way. Even when He doesn't give us exactly what we ask for, He still cares for us and provides for us. He cares about Mr. Stone too and knows how hard it is for him not have anybody going to see him." Tariq grinned. "But now he has me!" –Matilda H. Nordtvedt How About You?Have you been frustrated when you prayed for something but God didn't answer the way you wanted? God answers prayer, but He answers the way He knows is best--which may not always be the way you want. Keep praying, knowing that He loves you and listens to your prayers. Trust Him to give you the perfect answer, even if it's not what you expected.Today's Key Verse:As for God, His way is perfect. (NKJV) (Psalm 18:30)Today's Key Thought:God's answers to prayer are perfect

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Sobre Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids

Keys for Kids is a daily storytelling show based on the Keys for Kids children's devotional. Hosted by Zach, this podcast combines Scripture readings with captivating stories that illustrate essential Biblical principles. With Zach's creative voices bringing characters to life, listeners embark on a faith-filled journey. Tune in to discover the keys to growing in faith and understanding God's love. Produced by Keys for Kids Ministries, this podcast is a treasure trove to help young hearts grow closer to God.
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