Supplemental Frequency 04: "Turning Over"
Turning Over. Doing nothing fixes nothing. Delicate blooms of story. Something that seemed to need sunlight to feed...The Fourth Supplemental Frequency from Observable Radio, a found footage podcast from Cameron Suey, Phil van Hest, Purpurina, and Wendy HectorThe EnsembleMaria CorcorbadoJason SmithWritten by PurpurinaProduced by Cameron Suey, Phil van Hest, Purpurina, and Wendy HectorEdited by Cameron SueyArt by Karrin FletcherPsychology Consultant - Elisa Leal, Psy.D (CA PSY28330)Our Theme Music is: The Backrooms by MyuuAdditional Music provided by Tim Kulig, the artists at Epidemic SoundThey Split Us Up - Christian AndersenMore Than a Coincidence - Christian AndersenStrings - Blue SagaThe Opening - Lennon HuttonCool Cat Boogie - Tim KuligForest of Eternity - Polar NightsCold Winds - Ethan SloanHe Said, Xi Said - August WilhelmssonSFX provided by Epidemic Sound and the artists at Freesound.orgAdditional SFX and Music covered under the following Thanks to Cathleen, Jon, Tid, Russ, Kalasin, Rick, Brianna, Zach, Jesper and all our patrons and listeners.Thank you for listening, and stay tuned.Turning Over was originally published June 5, 2021 on Gayly Dreadful for the 2021 Gayly Helpful fundraiser. Thanks to Terry Mesnard for all his help and support of this audio version.With the help of our Patrons we've launched the Observable Radio Company Store at There you'll find stickers, enamel pins, t-shirts, on sale and shipping anywhere in the world.Observable Radio is listener supported. If you would like to contribute towards our production costs and payment for our voice actors, as well as get access to behind the scenes information, extra production material, and an ad-free, early release feed of this show, you can do so at: