Hey Ho! Let’s go with this week’s guest on RAMONESMANIA! Hell yeah, we have Mike, vocalist and guitarist for New York’s Jukebox Romantics, here to talk to us about anything and everything about growing up and discovering and listening to the music we all love today. This goes all over the place from the RamonesContinue reading "EPISODE 25 – Mike Terry (The Jukebox Romantics)"
EPISODE 24 – Lockdowns and Curfews
Hey Ho, let’s Go! A new episode is here and as there is no guest, I take a dive into my record and CD collection to play you some gems to get you through this current lockdown that we are facing here in Melbourne. Seriously, this is driving me insane and my mental health isContinue reading "EPISODE 24 – Lockdowns and Curfews"
EPISODE 23 – Ben Disaster (Real Sickies)
Hell yeah! This week’s guest is Ben Disaster aka Ben Blitzkrieg Pop aka the vocalist of Canadian punkers, Real Sickies, and the host of the This Is Pop! Radio Show. This episode is jam packed with fun stories and bitchin’ tunes. Heaps good! There’s so much in here and you’re gonna have a blast asContinue reading "EPISODE 23 – Ben Disaster (Real Sickies)"
EPISODE 22 – New Releases and Stuff!
Hey ho, let’s go with another round of tunes I’ve been listening to this last week or so. Heaps of great jams for you to enjoy from the likes of Radioactivity, The Yum Yums, Penny Ikinger, Stinking Polecats, Mudlarks, The Hawaiians, The Mugwumps, Tommy And The Rockets, Badtown Boys, Mulligan Stu, The Short Fuses, andContinue reading "EPISODE 22 – New Releases and Stuff!"
EPISODE 21 – Huntingtons
Hey Ho, Let’s Go! with the Huntingtons! Yay! This week’s show has Ciffy, Josh and Chris all packed in to one extra long super dooper rad episode. We cover all the stuff and more on the heels of their brand new album, Back To Ramonia. There’s so much jammed into this episode that I’ll beContinue reading "EPISODE 21 – Huntingtons"