Comedians Joe List (Netflix, The Tonight Show) and Raanan Hershberg (The Late, Late Show with James Corden, Comedy Central) get together weekly to shit on each ...
Episode 87- Joe & Raanan Talk with Luke Mones & Mark Normand- Skankfest Vegas
Joe & Raanan are back with a special episode from Skankfest with guests Luke Mones & Mark Normand. Fresh off the world premiere of Joe's documentary "Tom Dustin: Portrait of a Comedian" they discuss the amount of tears in the crowd, Texas ab*rtions, Speak No Evil, and the spectacle that is Skankfest.
Episode 86- The Godfather, Horror Movies, and Politics
The boys are back on the couch and they're talking Joe's documentary about Tom Dustin, Raanan's vs. Matt Wayne's body, politics, Scorsese & Coppola, and also touch on the film "Speak No Evil" without spoilers.
Episode 85- Longlegs and Politics
The boys are back on the couch and they are coming in hot! They discuss politics and if the hotter candidate always wins, Raanan's newest Short Film that he shot this weekend, Joe's upcoming Documentary Feature, & the movie Longlegs by writer/director Oz Perkins. If you would like to donate to Raanan's film Memory Room, you will find a link to all the Kickstarter rewards here: Pick which tier you would like to donate under, and then send the donation via Venmo (we won't have the new kickstarter link up and running for a couple of weeks) to @Raanan-Hershberg (or [email protected] for PayPal) and in the subject put Memory Room and your email. And you will receive those rewards shortly. All are available still besides being in the movie virtually. Thank you. Watch Joe and Raanan's latest specials on YouTube: Joe's special 'Enough for Everybody': Raanan's special BRAVE:
Episode 84- Godzilla Better Than Oppenheimer
The Boys are BACK! And they are here to tell you how much they love the Japanese film Godzilla Minus One (best atomic bomb-related movie of last year!) and Linklater's new movie Hit Man. Watch Raanan's new special BRAVE tomorrow- Thursday, June 20th- at 8 pm EST on YouTube. Link here: Watch Joe List's latest special 'Enough for Everyone' here: @Raanancomedy @joelistcomedy
Episode 82- Rocky vs. Raging Bull
We're back with a heated episode. Rocky vs. Ragining Bull! Raanan had a long night partying and is a little out of it, Joe is well rested and punctual despite having a new born.
Comedians Joe List (Netflix, The Tonight Show) and Raanan Hershberg (The Late, Late Show with James Corden, Comedy Central) get together weekly to shit on each other's favorite movies.