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Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, Kai Lin
REALFAKE is a bilingual podcast that brings together people from all walks of life. In an era marked by heightened sensitivity, hosts Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, an...

Episódios Disponíveis

5 de 87
  • 真的有人這樣想? 炒菜加蒜才會爽! | RF88
    【 REALFAKE 寵粉專案】PicoWay 皮秒雷射⚡ 即日起到4月底,填寫表單可享有進店不限金額消費直接多送你一堂 Picoway 美國全像超皮秒雷射!! 趕快來填吧:https://www.surveycake.com/s/86ybl 總是平心靜氣聊天的 RF 很久沒有火爆場面,沉睡已久最嗆最辣的 HOT TAKES 主題強勢回歸!從動物聊到食物甚至聊到必須淘汰的朝九晚五,直男們用著最尖酸刻薄的心來評論每個人的 HOT TAKE 是否合理,像是炒青菜到底有沒有蒜頭的局、牛排熟度的唯一正解、Sean 的獨特吃速食 SOP、三明治的正確切法等等。心靈脆弱的朋友請謹慎服用這集,否則別怪我們無情! The boys are back with a topic they haven’t tackled in a LONG time—HOT TAKES! From animals and everyday foods to reconstructing the 9-5, they’re bringing the heat with their spiciest opinions. They debate everything from adding garlic to stir-fried veggies, the right way to eat a steak, Sean’s unique fast food habits, and even the best way to cut a sandwich. If you have a weak heart, proceed with caution—this episode might just offend you! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/onhvZctA6EE ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1TksE7y9IMfQ260RIphbVZ?si=1c2e29c11998439d APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723 KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP 📩 合作邀約請來信: [email protected] Timestamps: 00:00 RF 直男去打皮秒雷射! 03:41 INTRO 08:35 我看到蜘蛛必叫 14:09 穿搭跟場合不應該有連結 21:46 炒青菜不用放蒜頭?! 27:30 牛排的唯一正確吃法 34:21 你要給我1小時的時間吃飯 43:19 Sean 獨特的速食吃法 47:45 三明治不應該有美乃滋的出現 53:22 三明治到底要怎麼切 57:18 一天上七天班?! 1:03:29 ENDING #podcast #直男 #hottakes -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
  • 直男的 2024 推薦好物,Sean 推的竟然是...? | RF87
    ⚠️注意:本集節目無任何廠商贊助播出 連直男都能打動的東西才算是合格?今天我們要來誠心誠意的跟大家推薦自己很愛的東西!目前最愛的電影、回購率超高的服飾品牌甚至無糖豆漿的唯一選擇都能推🥛當然有些人的推薦品項實在不 Sean 樣,但能保證都是發自於內心的!來看看直男都喜歡些什麼,說不定你們也會被圈粉🫶🏼 *No brand sponsorships in this episode!!* The boys are here to share their most honest and heartfelt recommendations on the things they LOVE! From their latest favorite movie and go-to clothing brands to their ultimate soy milk pick, they cover it all. While some choices may be… questionable (ahem Sean), every recommendation comes straight from the heart. Tune in to see what the boys are really into—you might just be surprised! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/n6n8-S2ECPE ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1TksE7y9IMfQ260RIphbVZ?si=1c2e29c11998439d APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723 KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP 📩 合作邀約請來信: [email protected] Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 03:37 Sean 就是喜歡特濃 10:30 Re-Ment 療癒小玩具 16:06 直男衣服都穿什麼牌子? 23:30 大家要注意口腔健康! 29:14 不會反胃的小技巧! 30:44 愛看書的朋友們看這! 35:12 直男推薦的必看電影! 44:54 大海是又漂亮又可怕的地方 50:30 林老師推薦的電影~ 1:00:11 直男喜歡看韓劇?! 1:04:23 最直男的推薦!! 1:07:19 直男年度專輯 #podcast #直男 #推薦 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
  • 林老師幫你解惑9個感情問題!! | RF86
    被踹三腳卻沒有倒、把你逗笑只要三秒的辣個男人回來了,讓我們歡迎重量級來賓–林老師!!先來個簡單的快問快答快速暖場,成為 Podcaster 為生活帶來最大的改變是什麼?Daniel 跟 Sean 誰適合當女朋友誰適合當老婆?再來,大家都知道林老師喜歡很深很深很深、很深的主題,這次終於被我們逮到機會讓林老師依依為粉絲的感情問題解惑!曖昧期該積極主動還是順其自然?戀愛應該像天天熱戀期還是家人朋友般的舒服自在?知道好朋友的另一伴出軌後該怎麼處理?RF很難得請到林老師開課,還不快點加入這充滿智慧與歡笑的課程! In this episode, the boys welcome back a BIG returning guest—the one and only Mr. Kai Lin! Kicking things off with rapid-fire questions, they ask how life has changed since becoming a podcaster and whether he’d rather date Daniel or marry Sean. Then, as always with Mr. Lin, things get deep. They tackle your relationship questions, from being proactive vs. going with the flow, choosing between a long honeymoon phase or a chill, friendship-like relationship, to deciding what to do if your friend’s partner cheats on them. Tune in for all the laughs and wisdom! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/dqVwNnVoG7Q ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1TksE7y9IMfQ260RIphbVZ?si=1c2e29c11998439d APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723 KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP 📩 合作邀約請來信: [email protected] Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 05:48 現在身為 Podcaster,生活有什麼改變? 10:01 快問快答! 15:07 跟 Daniel 談戀愛還是跟 Sean 結婚? 16:49 女生母胎單生,男生會覺得扣分嗎? 21:29 追一個女生,訊息聊天很愉快,但見到面都不怎麼聊天,該繼續追嗎? 26:08 前任突然生病希望你陪她都最後一程,你會答應嗎? 29:38 我應該主動一點還是順其自然? 33:24 戀愛像初戀一樣每天心動 vs. 像朋友一樣自在舒服 39:40 感情中該不該維持一點「不舒服」 43:11 不喜歡被剛認識的人問什麼問題? 47:04 好朋友的戀人出軌,該不該告訴朋友? 50:56 突然發現喜歡的男生竟然是同性戀怎麼辦? 54:21 跟女友互動很少,也都約不出來,求解!!! 57:41 ENDING #podcast #直男 #感情 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
  • PK 英文算不算一種拼英? | RF85 ft. 邱吉爾英語學院 CELH
    你們渴望英語教學的心聲我們都有聽見!不過今天的老師不是 Daniel, 而是比他專業100倍的邱吉爾英語學院的創辦人 - Edric 要來給大家上上課!既然 Edric 都來到節目現場,在進入到語言學習的傳道授業解惑之前,勢必得經過直男們的特殊考驗來檢測一下 Edric 的實力。 進到上課環節,我們討論了不同面向像是背單字的好處或KK音標學習法。Edric 老師也幫助想出國求學的朋友們了解一下托福和雅思最大的不同以及攻略兩者的小撇步! 最後,如果你也在準備英文考試的話不要聽 REALFAKE (唸完書再聽),有一個專業的老師指導你給你方向才是成功的不二法門,邱吉爾英語學院,直男推薦! ✨ REALFAKE x 邱吉爾英語學院專屬官網諮詢連結:https://bit.ly/3Q9uhfd ✨ 填寫官網諮詢表單時,於「請問您是如何得知邱吉爾英語?」選「其他廣告」並填上 REALFAKE,或在「備註欄位」輸入 REALFAKE,諮詢經教務確認後即可享有折扣!(使用期限:~2025/08/31) The boys heard you loud and clear—you want to learn English! So, they brought in a legit pro, Edric from Churchill English Language Hub. They kick things off by testing Edric’s English (with their own special standards, of course) before diving into the best ways to master any language. They break down different learning styles, the benefits of memorizing vocab, and the effectiveness of Kenyon and Knott. Edric also reveals key differences between TOEFL and IELTS, sharing top tips for acing both. In the end, the boys agree—if you’re prepping for English exams, having a reliable tutor is key, and Churchill English Language Hub is the place to go! ✨【更多邱吉爾英語課程相關資訊】✨ 邱吉爾英語 CHURCHILL ENGLISH LANGUAGE HUB 邱吉爾官網:https://www.churchill-english.com/ 邱吉爾信箱:[email protected] 邱吉爾官方LINE:https://bit.ly/4jMZFxR 邱吉爾Instagram:https://bit.ly/3WOz9KI 邱吉爾YouTube:https://bit.ly/4gCk2Lc WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/LLYF6RftZMw ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1TksE7y9IMfQ260RIphbVZ?si=1c2e29c11998439d APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723 KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP 📩 合作邀約請來信: [email protected] Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 03:12 英文冷笑話大賽 08:28 學英文有什麼好處? 12:33 學英文最重要的是什麼? 18:34 超討厭討厭背單字 28:23 語感派 vs. 文法派 31:28 KK 音標沒啥用? 35:05 遇到不會念的英文名字怎麼辦?! 40:14 托福跟雅思有什麼差別? 46:51 考試背單字有用嗎? 51:12 線上課 vs. 實體課 54:19 學寫作最重要的是什麼!! 56:57 為什麼要去「邱吉爾英語學院」? 1:00:36 REALFAKE 聽眾專屬優惠!! 1:01:40 ENDING #podcast #英語 #english -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
  • 宵夜吃成早餐? 直男什麼都能忍?! | RF84
    ✨別再忍了,我們一起玩 Goodnight: https://smart.link/jrq6xrq7lnraf 相信大家看到這個充滿流量密碼的錄音室就知道這集要感謝誰吧,沒錯今天又是托了 Goodnight 的福!來到這裡就是直男大談感情的時刻,來聊聊對於另一半的行為容忍,究竟另一半跟異性相處哪些行為 OK 哪些行為真的打妹?主要分三大類: 1. 訊息 2. 身體接觸 3. 活動。從靜態的「訊息」開始,有各種不同的問候像是「在幹嘛」、「吃飯沒」、一直到「我想你」等等來討論一下各自的接受度。「身體接觸」這部分就有很大的討論空間了,到底摸到甚麼程度才叫越界?「活動」層面就看我們能不能接受女朋友單獨跟其他男生出去玩了,究竟為何陽明山不行淡水可以? 最後,總不能都是直男們自己說,馬上進入 Goodnight 聽 R F粉絲們談談他們的感情問題! Thanks to Goodnight, the boys are revealing it all in this episode! They break down what they can and can’t accept in a relationship, splitting it into three categories: text messages, physical contact, and activities. For texts, they debate their tolerance levels, with “I miss you” being the final straw. When it comes to physical contact, they get into the details of what crosses the line. And for activities, they reveal whether they’d be okay with their girlfriends traveling alone with another guy. In the end, they hop onto Goodnight LIVE to hear fans vent about their relationship struggles! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/AXc1oQ0b0tE ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1TksE7y9IMfQ260RIphbVZ?si=1c2e29c11998439d APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723 KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP 📩 合作邀約請來信: [email protected] Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 02:13 你還有三天可以去玩 Goodnight! 04:18 另一半行為容忍 05:09「妳在幹嘛?」 09:25「妳吃飯了嗎?」「關你屁事!」 11:52 你幹嘛跟我女朋友說早安?! 13:17「妳睡了嗎?」 15:20 這真的不行啦 19:30 女友給抱嗎? 23:18 我女友的手不是給你牽的!! 28:39 不要在那邊亂摸… 35:18 你們為什麼一定要一起吃? 39:30 女友跟異性朋友出去玩?! 43:47 吃他的東西? 48:56 RF x GN 聽眾 Call in: 妳已經盡力了 58:52 RF x GN 聽眾 Call in: 我喜歡妳主動 1:07:17 RF x GN 聽眾 Call in: 魚要找對形狀 #podcast #感情 #goodnight -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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REALFAKE is a bilingual podcast that brings together people from all walks of life. In an era marked by heightened sensitivity, hosts Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, and Kai Lin are on a journey to cut through the world’s BS with hilarity. We ask the questions YOU want answers to. If you’re a real one, get ready for the unfiltered truth with REALFAKE! The REALEST time with the Taiwanese bros 🇹🇼 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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