Join Lou Paoletti and Michael Malone as they embark on a humorous journey of self-discovery while unpacking their weekly therapy sessions. From navigating grief...
Lou had a very existential therapy session this week. Why are humans the ones, ya know? Lou reflects on his phone and online shopping and the dopamine hit of a new match before getting into his swan song in therapy. Michael is starting a new exercise tracking points and he is already up ten thousand.Support the pod: us here: us:[email protected]
The Election and Logging Your Feelings to Find Your Needs | #062
We’re talking about the emotional side of the election and Donald Trump’s victory before we get into understanding your needs as a human.Support the pod: us here: us:[email protected]
We're Not Really Strangers | #061
Lou and Michael pull cards from the game “We’re Not Really Strangers” which lead to conversations about when they’ve surprised themselves, curiosity vs judgement, cause and effect, what parts of themselves they see in each other and much much more. And then Lou shares something that rocks Michael’s world.Support the pod: us here: us:[email protected]
Love, Vulnerability and Boundaries | #060
Love, Vulnerability and Boundaries... Lou confronts the complexities of relationships as he addresses his partner's perceived lack of effort in their home life. Lou explores the struggle of balancing healthy boundaries with genuine care. Lou and his partner reflect on their progress in conflict resolution before Lou reflects on his fear of embracing true vulnerable love.Michael shares his insights on the impact of his father's influence on his current relationships, acceptance, and emotional well-being. The discussion delves into a thought-provoking debate: Does love need to be earned?Support the pod: us here: us:[email protected]
Replay - Grief (Part 1)
We couldn’t avoid it any longer. We’re talking about grief this week.Support the pod: us here: us:[email protected]
Join Lou Paoletti and Michael Malone as they embark on a humorous journey of self-discovery while unpacking their weekly therapy sessions. From navigating grief and anxiety to embracing ADHD quirks, Secondhand Therapy is a funny, heartfelt podcast that brings laughter and meaning to life’s toughest challenges. Support us on Patreon! available at