Abdo Timejardine-Zomeño (b. 2000), born and residing in Chicago, IL is an accomplished Arab-American clarinetist, woodwind doubler, composer, conductor, and educator. He is currently earning double bachelors degrees in Clarinet Performance and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois-Chicago.
With an active schedule, Abdo regularly performs with the Lakeside Pride Symphonic Band and the Middle East Music Ensemble of the University of Chicago. He has also performed with The Naperville Winds, Northshore Concert Band, and Chicago Philharmonic.
As a soloist and chamber musician, he’s had the opportunity to collaborate with clarinetists from across the United States, South America, Europe, and the Middle East. His recent travels have taken him to Denver, Colorado for the 50th Anniversary of the International Clarinet Association, as well as Phoenix, Arizona for the first ever Low-Clarinet Festival. In March 2023, he had the opportunity to play for renowned clarinetist Julian Bliss in a masterclass during Bliss’s residency at UIC for the consortium premiere of John Mackey’s clarinet concerto, Divine Mischief.
As a composer, his works have been performed by the Atlanta Freedom Bands, Music for Everyone Summer Camp, UIC Saxophone Quartet, ~Nois Saxophone Quartet, Third Coast Percussion, and members of New Music Chicago. His compositions have acquired attention from notable composers such as Jennifer Jolley. He credits his mentors: Kyle Rhoades, José Oliver Riojas, Nicholas Carlson, Marc Mellits, Jennifer Jolley, Kaitlin Bove, Janet Song Kim, Alan Theisen, and Serena Weren for his development as a clarinetist, composer, and conductor.
His professional affiliations and memberships include the International Clarinet Association (ICA), North American Saxophone Alliance (NASA), National Flute Association (NFA), New Music Chicago (NMC), Lakeside Pride Music Ensembles, Pride Bands Alliance, Association of Concert Bands (ACB), and ASCAP.
Thanks for listening!
Abdo’s Website: abtizomusic.com
Instagram: abtizomusic
Facebook: Abdo Timejardine-Zomeño
Clarinet Channel : @theclarinetchannel /
[email protected]
Theme Music : “Bossa Nueva” - Rick Ivanoff / “Break Away To Adelaide” - The Guild of Jazz Musicians