Join Emily and Jason Morrow as they dive into the hilariously contrasting worlds of a crunchy mom and her not-as-crunchy husband. Each episode, the duo explores...
In this episode, Emily and Jason dive into the eternal battle of glass-half-full vs. glass-half-empty. Jason channels his inner realist (or pessimist, depending on who you ask), while Emily’s sunny optimism shines through. But here’s the twist—studies show the truth isn’t as simple as you’d think! Does optimism really lead to happiness, or do pessimists have the edge in facing life’s challenges? They debate, they laugh, and they uncover surprising research that might just make you rethink your outlook.
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We're boycotting family gatherings...
Emily and Jason Morrow dive into the joys (and inevitable chaos) of holiday traditions. Emily recounts her epic Thanksgiving pie disaster. Meanwhile, Jason laments their kids’ uncanny ability to catch a mysterious illness at every single family gathering, leading to a serious discussion: Should they boycott family get togethers during the holidays?
From cringe-worthy holiday fails to the sweet and sentimental moments we all cherish, this episode is packed with laughs, relatable rants, and maybe even a little holiday spirit.
Check out our holiday gift guide here!
And here's the advent book Emily mentioned in the episode!
And here's the Advent companion guide!
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They said WHAT about me on Reddit?
Emily and Jason Morrow dive into the fascinating world of personality types and how they shape the way we handle criticism. Are you the type to brush harsh words off with a shrug, or do they linger in your mind for days? Emily candidly shares about finding a recent reddit thread about herself—because, let’s be honest, we all know you should NEVER read a Reddit thread about yourself. Emily and Jason explore how different personalities process feedback—whether it’s constructive or just plain mean—and share their own wins and fails when facing criticism. From marriage to parenting to public life, they reveal the surprising ways personality types can clash or complement. Tune in for laughs, insights, and a reminder that criticism is just part of being human.
Join us on our tour! We'd love to see you there. Tour dates and locations are available at the link below.
Want to check out our holiday gift guide? Find it at the link below!
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Really Very Crunchy
PO Box 7326
Paducah, Ky 42002
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You’re Fired: Tales from Our Pre-Comedy Careers
We have had some questionable job titles—and even more questionable exits. This week, they’re digging into their work histories to bring you tales from their younger, much less public days. Jason spills the tea about life as a convenience store clerk, and the chaos of being a trash man. Emily reveals the dark secrets of working at Subway—spoiler: you can steal anything but the bread and cookies. They both tell about their woes of being fired or "not asked back." From bizarre bosses to cringe-worthy mistakes, this episode will (hopefully) have you laughing. Hope you enjoy this one - it's as juicy as a footlong with extra sauce!
Check out our holiday gift guide!
We're going on tour with 1000 Hours Outside!
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Does having kids make you happier?
Parenthood is often seen as a pathway to fulfillment, but does the reality live up to the hype? With a mix of laughter, honest conversation, and a dash of crunchy wisdom, Emily and Jason unpack the science, cultural expectations, and real-life experiences around parenting and happiness. Are parents really happier than their child-free friends, or is it all just a myth? And how does happiness shift across different stages of raising kids? Tune in as they navigate these questions, sharing insights and perspectives that will resonate with both parents and non-parents alike.
Be sure to check out Emily's books!
Really Very Crunchy: A Beginner’s Guide to Removing Toxins from Your Life Without Adding Them to Your Personality
Her children's book:
Little Helper, Big Imagination
Intro/Outro Music Produced by Shannon Rose Webb
Check out her music here.
Really Very Crunchy Socials
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Join Emily and Jason Morrow as they dive into the hilariously contrasting worlds of a crunchy mom and her not-as-crunchy husband. Each episode, the duo explores a variety of life's quirks and conundrums, from parenting and personal wellness to bizarre daily occurrences and everything in-between. Get ready to laugh, learn, and maybe even be inspired as these two navigate their discussions with humor and heart.