Walking in the footsteps of history, fifteen minutes at a time. Join us for a 15-minute episode covering a person, place, or event in history, and stay for an e...
"We Band of Brothers" | A Discussion on The Battle of Agincourt
Join us as we discuss The Battle of Agincourt and ask whether Henry V's actions proved to be a good idea or a bad one.
Sketches in History | Crossing the Delaware
As promised, the 15-Minute History Podcast team is bringing you a new segment, just for kids, called Sketches in History, where history isn’t just a story—it’s an adventure. Join Lottie Archer, as she dives into her extraordinary notebook where sketches from history come to life.
In her first episode, she will travel to Christmas night, 1776. Imagine icy waters, desperate soldiers, and a bold leader on the brink of changing history. Your kids will discover the bravery, leadership, and resilience that shaped a nation.
Listen and subscribe to the 15-Minute History podcast to hear Sketches in History every other Thursday. Got a favorite historical moment? Share it with us at [email protected], and it might just make its way into the notebook!
Until then, remember that history is just a page away.
"We Band of Brothers" | The Battle of Agincourt
The Battle of Agincourt, though small by modern standards, stands as a turning point in European history by bringing democracy to the battlefield. Joe takes us through the battle in all its detail and asks the question whether Henry V's actions proved to be a good idea or a bad idea.
Pop Quiz | Fact Checkers Gone?
Join the team as they discuss recent news about fact-checkers in social media.
Be sure to tune in next Thursday for the 15-Minute History Podcast's first segment for kids, Sketches in History!
Inauguration Special! | Interview with Brad Meltzer & Josh Mensch
With today being Inauguration Day in the United States, Joe and I are bringing you a special interview with authors Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch. Their new book, The JFK Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Kennedy - and Why it Failed, is narrative history at its finest and tells a largely unknown story of the first plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy during his transition to the White House in 1960.
Walking in the footsteps of history, fifteen minutes at a time. Join us for a 15-minute episode covering a person, place, or event in history, and stay for an extended discussion. New episodes and discussions every week.