Preventing and Handling Missed SCUBA Dives ;( | Under Pressure Divecast | Episode 014
Preventing and Handling Missed SCUBA Dives ;(Hey Under Pressure Dive Buddies!I want you to think back to a time when you were really looking forward to something. Maybe you were looking forward to a specific outcome on a project at work. Maybe it was an upcoming holiday. Maybe it was your next dive trip. What happens when things don't work out as you expected? I was planning to go down to Santa Rosa, NM last weekend and I had to call off the trip.It was a bummer but it brought to mind all the factors we rely on every time we plan to get into the water.Today you and I are going to dive into 4 reasons we miss dives and 3 ways we can prevent it!Thanks for listening!Contact the
[email protected]://underpressurediveblog.comTW & IG | @skubasteveupdbThe surface interval's over... get out there and dive!