Alice Foran: Trailblazing for her daughter and the community for 39 years.
About Alice:"I was raised with three siblings, Pake, Reba, and Susie McEntire, two hard working parents, Clark and Jackie McEntire. 11 first cousins, a grandpap, John McEntire, two maternal Grandparents, Elvin and Reba Smith, and one extra special hired hand Louie Sandman, on a working cattle ranch in se Oklahoma in the 50's thru 1980. There wasn't much our bunch couldn't accomplish or trouble we kids couldn't get into. With horses, cattle, rattle snakes, muddy ponds, a ropin' pen, dogs, and worn out pickups what would anyone expect. I wouldn't trade my life for anyone's in the world. We were poor and didn't know it or care. I married my husband Robert in 1980 and we raised four children on our ranch in Lane, Oklahoma. Children are Vince Beck, Garett Beck Smith, Trevor Foran and Haley Foran. All my children still live in Atoka County, Oklahoma.Our daughter Haley was born in 1986 with a condition called Trisomy 18 or Edwards Syndrome. She was the baby, and her condition was unknown to us at her birth, a complete surprise. We have done some research, and she is the second oldest living person in Oklahoma with this Syndrome. Life expectancy is about 24 hours if they survive birth. She is 39 years old today. I worked for Dept of Human Services for 28 yrs and worked for DDSD Developmental Disability Services Division for 5 years learning and delivering services to individuals with disabilities. I presently contract with the State of Oklahoma as an Agency Companion. In 1986, there were no educational services for children with disabilities in Atoka County. I helped organize the parents and school administrators to create a coop that served the children in one location. Later that disbanded as the Administrators realized they could provide those services on their own campuses. Education and pushy parents can get things done. I retired in 2002 from DHS and worked caring not only for Haley but for our parents Clark and Jackie McEntire, who are now deceased. My husband and I operate two cattle ranches, an Air B & B in Atoka, and a small mom and pop cafe in Atoka. We are very active in our church and attend as many athletic functions as we can for the grands. We have 8 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. I worked for 11 years with the Atoka Trail Riders Assoc. to build a new facility South of Atoka in Tushka, Oklahoma. I am very proud of that accomplishment. My dad helped create this association in the early '60s and the original facility was torn down and we relocated to a beautiful location 11 years ago. We provide equestrian events, rodeos, tractor pulls, concerts, and Bull Ridings. Lots of action. We give scholarships and help with local charities. I am very civic, religious, politically minded and feel that all these attributes can be wrapped up in a way that we work together and get things accomplished for God's glory. I just want to add that I never, since Haley was born, have been without help in caring for her. God gave me a blessing and helped me take care of her. I could write a book."To stay connected with Jess, head to If you are interested in being a guest please reach out to
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