Decoding Cyber-Space is organised by the SGAC Space & Cyber Security Project Group, to engage with leading experts and industry professionals operating in the i...
Join us as we review the SGAC Space and Cybersecurity Project Group’s activities over 2021. This includes the group’s submission to the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS) and the International Astronautical Congress (IAC).
EP.7 - A multidisciplinary perspective on cybersecurity issues in space with Special Guest PJ Blount
Join us as we sit down with Dr. PJ Blount, a multidisciplinary academic and expert on space policy. We discuss the influence of politics, human rights, and geopolitics upon the intersection of cybersecurity and outer space affairs.
EP.6 - Cybersecurity and Space within the Nuclear Age with special guest Viktors Engelbrehts
This episode we discuss the relevance of space, cybersecurity and nuclear energy as critical infrastructure sectors - outlining the need for governments to shift their perspectives on the centrality of information security in securing international peace and security.
EP.5 - Geopolitics in Outer Space with special guest Bleddyn Bowen
This episode we discuss aspects of international relations and geopolitics in the outer space environment with Dr. Bleddyn Bowen - Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Leicester
EP.4 - Cyber Policy in the Space Environment with Special Guest Victoria Samson
This episode we discuss space policy and governance from a US perspective with Victoris Samson, the Washington Office Director for Secure World Foundation.
Decoding Cyber-Space is organised by the SGAC Space & Cyber Security Project Group, to engage with leading experts and industry professionals operating in the intersection between ICT and outer space.