Hearts Aflame, hosted by Dustin Benge and a ministry of Unashamed Truth, is a daily devotional podcast that draws from the rich writings of the Puritans. Each e...
We turn to Samuel Rutherford’s Letters of Samuel Rutherford (1664) for a meditation on the beauty and joy of holiness in the Christian life. Rutherford exalts Christ’s loveliness and reminds us that true holiness is the believer’s adornment, joy, and path to deeper communion with our Lord. Discover how holiness transforms our lives, glorifies God, and reflects His beauty to the world. Let Rutherford encourage you to delight in Christ, pursue His holiness, and set your heart on things above. Source: Samuel Rutherford, Letters of Samuel Rutherford For more information about Unashamed Truth, please visit our website by clicking here.
The Sweetness of God's Promises
Today, we explore the words of Jeremiah Burroughs’ “The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment” (1648), meditating on the sweetness of God’s promises. Burroughs reminds us that God’s promises are the Christian’s foundation, offering peace, comfort, and assurance in every trial. Discover how these promises, sealed by Christ’s blood and guaranteed by His resurrection, give the believer a sure foundation in abundance and want. Let this meditation on God’s Word anchor your soul and fill your heart with joy and true contentment.Source:Jeremiah Burrough, "The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment"For more information about Unashamed Truth, please visit our website by clicking here.
Communion with God
Today, we explore John Owen’s “Communion with God” (1657). This work profoundly reflects the believer’s privilege of fellowship with the Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Owen writes of all believers' joy of approaching the Father with reverence, the peace in the Son’s atonement, and the love stirred in our hearts by the Spirit. Discover how this communion transforms prayer, Scripture, and worship into a foretaste of heaven, drawing us deeper into God’s love and grace. For more information about Unashamed Truth, please visit our website by clicking here.
Walking in Newness of Life
In this episode, we explore John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress” (1678), and the powerful allegory of Christian’s journey to salvation. From the burden of sin falling off of his back at the cross of Christ to the joy of being clothed in the righteousness of Christ, Bunyan powerfully illustrates the transforming power of grace. Today, reflect on what it means to leave behind the old self and walk in the newness of life in Christ that He offers to all who follow Him.
The Preciousness of Christ
In this episode, we explore the beauty and worth of Christ through the words of Thomas Watson’s “The Godly Man’s Picture” (1666). Watson portrays Christ as the joy of the saints, the wonder of angels, and the treasure of every believer's heart. Join us as we reflect on what it means to treasure Christ above all—finding in Him our ultimate satisfaction, delight, and love. Be encouraged and challenged by Watson’s depiction of Christ’s grace and the call to value Him above the fleeting treasures of this world. Is Christ truly precious to you?
Hearts Aflame, hosted by Dustin Benge and a ministry of Unashamed Truth, is a daily devotional podcast that draws from the rich writings of the Puritans. Each episode pairs timeless truths with Scripture, encouraging believers to deepen their faith and set their hearts aflame with love for Christ.