Kabbalah, Zohar Study, Spiritual Growth. Connecting people to knowledge, wisdom and to each other.
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Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is it not enough to be good to be lucky? How can we eliminate the noise that blinds us and makes us deaf? And how does this connect to the cause of corruption, wars, injustice, discrimination, and everything that mars the lives of humanity? Six Weeks of Personal & Worldwide Redemption Week #5 #miracles #healing #success Read and learn more about this Parashah https://livekabbalah.org/yitro Join our course program: https://livekabbalah.org/live-kabbalah-courses Join our Zoom Program: https://livekabbalah.org/weekly-zohar-study-live Support our efforts to provide you with more materials, donate to Live Kabbalah: https://livekabbalah.org/donations
BeShalaḥ 5785 (2025)
#ShOVaVIM Six Weeks of Personal & Worldwide Redemption Week #4 #72_Names https://livekabbalah.org/the-72-names-of-god #13_attributes https://livekabbalah.org/the-thirteen-attributes Read and learn more about this Parashah https://livekabbalah.org/beshalah Join our course program: https://livekabbalah.org/live-kabbalah-courses Join our Zoom Program: https://livekabbalah.org/weekly-zohar-tree-of-life-study-live Support our efforts to provide you with more materials, donate to Live Kabbalah: https://livekabbalah.org/donations
Bo 5785 (2025)
The journey from slavery to freedom is the goal of each of us. The Zohar outlines the important conditions for the journey to freedom. People who are free can achieve happiness and security. Free people are not slaves and cannot be controlled or manipulated. The coming six weeks are called ShOVaVYM - acrostics of the names of the Parashot (reading portions of these six weeks). They carry great virtue for personal correction and for the correction of the whole, and especially, this year, the year 5785, in which history is rapidly changing before our eyes. Redemption is the result of consciousness, the stages of consciousness of human freedom are revealed before us in the book of Exodus. Our society is going through historical upheavals of redefining personal freedom. Spirituality, values and holiness must be part of true freedom, the freedom to be happy without hatred, anger, guilt and blame. We learn to redefine ourselves, to break one concept after another in order to reach beyond the boundaries of the consciousness of the past. Support our efforts to reach more people and provide you with more materials, donate to Live Kabbalah: https://livekabbalah.org/donations For a short reading about this Parashah: https://livekabbalah.org/bo Join our course program: https://livekabbalah.org/live-kabbalah-courses Join our Zoom Program: https://livekabbalah.org/weekly-zohar-study-live
VaEra 5785 (2025)
On days when stress and confusion rule, and emotions boil and freeze alternately. When we feel like we've lost control and the world is collapsing before our eyes. How do we defend ourselves? How do we minimize the mental, health, and perhaps financial damage? The coming six weeks are called ShOVaVYM - acrostics of the names of the Parashot (reading portions of these six weeks). They carry great virtue for personal correction and for the correction of the whole, and especially, this year, the year 5785, in which history is rapidly changing before our eyes. Redemption is the result of consciousness, the stages of consciousness of human freedom are revealed before us in the book of Exodus. Our society is going through historical upheavals of redefining personal freedom. Spirituality, values and holiness must be part of true freedom, the freedom to be happy without hatred, anger, guilt and blame. We learn to redefine ourselves, to break one concept after another in order to reach beyond the boundaries of the consciousness of the past. Support our efforts to reach more people and provide you with more materials, donate to Live Kabbalah: https://livekabbalah.org/donations For a short reading about this Parashah: https://livekabbalah.org/vaera Join our course program: https://livekabbalah.org/live-kabbalah-courses Join our Zoom Program: https://livekabbalah.org/weekly-zohar-tree-of-life-study-live
Shemot 5785 (2025)
The coming six weeks are called ShOVaVIM - acrostics of the names of the Parashot (reading portions of these six weeks). They carry great virtue for personal correction and for the correction of the whole, and especially, this year, the year 5785, in which history is rapidly changing before our eyes. Redemption is the result of consciousness, the stages of consciousness of human freedom are revealed before us in the book of Exodus. Our society is going through historical upheavals of redefining personal freedom. Spirituality, values and holiness must be part of true freedom, the freedom to be happy without hatred, anger, guilt and blame. We learn to redefine ourselves, to break one concept after another in order to reach beyond the boundaries of the consciousness of the past. Support our efforts to reach more people and provide you with more materials, donate to Live Kabbalah: https://livekabbalah.org/donations For a short reading about this Parashah: https://livekabbalah.org/shemot Join our course program: https://livekabbalah.org/live-kabbalah-courses Join our Zoom Program: https://livekabbalah.org/weekly-zohar-tree-of-life-study-live
Sobre Rabbi Shaul Youdkevitch – Zohar & Kabbalah Study
Kabbalah, Zohar Study, Spiritual Growth. Connecting people to knowledge, wisdom and to each other.
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