Hey, I'm Grandmaster Noël Studer, and this is the podcast where I help you improve your chess.
Better Training + Better Mindset = Better results.
More chess imp...
Episode 29: Let’s Make Chess Improvement Simple Again
Subscribe to my free Newsletter: https://nextlevelchess.blog/newsletter
Learn what and how to train and stop wasting time on things that don't matter: https://courses.nextlevelchess.blog/courses/next-level-training
Reach 1200 Chess.com (1400 Lichess) thanks to my all-in-one course: https://courses.nextlevelchess.blog/courses/beginner-chess-mastery
Interested in Private Coaching? You can apply by filling out this form (currently no open slots; get on the waitlist): https://forms.gle/13enm2PiiWg7BdJMA
Check out all my articles: https://nextlevelchess.blog/articles
Episode 28: The Three Key Ingredients For Smart Chess Training
Amazing blog from my running friend, executive Coach Dror Allouche: https://optionstogrow.com/
Check out the Next Level Training course mentioned in the podcast episode: https://courses.nextlevelchess.blog/courses/next-level-training
It would make my day if you rated this podcast and share it with a friend. Thanks!
Subscribe to my free Newsletter: https://nextlevelchess.blog/newsletter
Reach 1200 Chess.com (1400 Lichess) thanks to my all-in-one course: https://courses.nextlevelchess.blog/courses/beginner-chess-mastery
Interested in Private Coaching? You can apply by filling out this form (currently no open slots; get on the waitlist): https://forms.gle/13enm2PiiWg7BdJMA
Check out all my articles: https://nextlevelchess.blog/articles
Episode 27: From Bullied Kid To Grandmaster - How Chess Saved My Life
If you want to share what chess improvement means for you with me, feel free to email me at [email protected]
Subscribe to my free Newsletter: https://nextlevelchess.blog/newsletter
Check out all my articles: https://nextlevelchess.blog/articles
Chess Improvement Equation Part 5
The Chess Improvement Equation:
What (0-1) * How (0-1) * Time (h/week) = Chess Improvement Score
The cost of Improvement Destroyers:
Tilt: -1 for every game played without focus.
Overthinking: -1 for every hour spent on material way above your level.
Overblown openings: -1 for every hour wasted on unnecessary theory.
Detract Tilt + Overthinking + Overblown Openings from your Chess Improvement Score, you’ll get your real chess improvement score.
Subscribe to my free Newsletter: https://nextlevelchess.blog/newsletter
Learn what and how to train and stop wasting time on things that don't matter: https://courses.nextlevelchess.blog/courses/next-level-training
Reach 1200 Chess.com (1400 Lichess) thanks to my all-in-one course: https://courses.nextlevelchess.blog/courses/beginner-chess-mastery
Interested in Private Coaching? You can apply by filling out this form (currently no open slots; get on the waitlist): https://forms.gle/13enm2PiiWg7BdJMA
Check out all my articles: https://nextlevelchess.blog/articles
Episode 25: Chess Improvement Equation Part 4 - How To Be More Consistent
The Chess Improvement Equation:
What (0-1) * How (0-1) * Time (h/week) = Chess Improvement Score
To review your past year, assess each week with the real amount of time you spent on chess, not the amount you hoped you would spend.
Subscribe to my free Newsletter: https://nextlevelchess.blog/newsletter
Learn what and how to train and stop wasting time on things that don't matter: https://courses.nextlevelchess.blog/courses/next-level-training
Reach 1200 Chess.com (1400 Lichess) thanks to my all-in-one course: https://courses.nextlevelchess.blog/courses/beginner-chess-mastery
Interested in Private Coaching? You can apply by filling out this form (currently no open slots; get on the waitlist): https://forms.gle/13enm2PiiWg7BdJMA
Check out all my articles: https://nextlevelchess.blog/articles
Hey, I'm Grandmaster Noël Studer, and this is the podcast where I help you improve your chess.
Better Training + Better Mindset = Better results.
More chess improvement help from me:
Get my free ebook, The Art of Chess Training, here: https://nextlevelchess.blog/free-ebook/
Sign up for my free Newsletter: https://nextlevelchess.blog/newsletter
Reach 1200 on Chess.com with this course: https://nextlevelchesscourses.teachable.com/p/beginner-chess-mastery
Learn how to study Chess the right way with this course: https://nextlevelchesscourses.teachable.com/p/next-level-training