Nothing is off limits with the gruesome twosome. The boys talk shop and sprinkle in music knowledge at the same time. The menu may change from each episode but ...
The gruesome twosome are celebrating St. Paddy's Day with all the talk about spring breakers, Alex not pausing movies, and the adventures of navigating the city of brotherly love.
Episode 167 - Dennis Coffey
The gruesome twosome have a very rastafari episode for you bombaclats! Alex watched the movie Rockers per Chris' recommendation. He also has a really cool music app he found. And the boys talk about people who spoil movies.
Episode 166 - Sly and The Family Stone
The gruesome twosome have a fun one talking about the Techno Viking, Chris has a follow up to his Ricky Powell story and Alex watches the new Slay documentary on Hulu.
Episode 165 - J-Live
The gruesome twosome got a diet episode for you this week. The boys talk about the Kanye and Bianca divorce, movie/tv reviews and Alex learns how to properly load a dishwasher.
Episode 164 - The Whispers
The gruesome twosome are talking live music this week. They go through it all with the Grammy's, Super Bowl and FireAid. Alex also has a genus invention that he actually might do!
Nothing is off limits with the gruesome twosome. The boys talk shop and sprinkle in music knowledge at the same time. The menu may change from each episode but the recipe will always stay the same…conversations with no compass. All aboard the giggle train, next stop is high five mountain!