A new podcast where Oli (@oliguy91) and Joe (@stampylongnose) decide which are their greatest video games of all time. Way more casual than it sounds.
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This week we are talking about Dragon Quest Heroes Rocket Slime on the Nintendo DS. This game has charm, fun and great ideas in buckets and was a great first DS game for the show. A very different vibe to the previous couple of episodes for sure! Click here for the list! SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://patreon.com/thebonuspoints [£3/$4 tier = TBP Discord, Extra Credit Podcast and behind the scenes content] [£5/$6 tier = Early access, name in video of podcast, TBP Discord, Extra Credit Podcast and behind the scenes content] Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/thebonuspoints.bsky.social Tiktok: https://tiktok.com/@thebonuspointsyt
Talking Video Game Discoverability, Accessibility & Ludocene with Andy Robertson
We have recently crossed paths with Andy Robertson, a games journalist writing for Forbes, the BBC and previously the Guardian and Wired. Andy is on his way to creating a new app called Ludocene, which has its foundations built on the Family Gaming Database. Ludocene is a video game discoverability app that hopes to cut through the thousands of games made available each day using human tags and recommendations, not with AI. The Family Gaming Database is a HUGE database that not only shows parents what content is in a game beyond its PEGI rating, but also goes through accessibility for a lot of its titles, which is something everyone can benefit from. Back Ludocene on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/... Family gaming database: https://familygamingdatabase.com Follow Andy on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/geekdadgamer.bsky.social TBP on Patreon: https://patreon.com/thebonuspoints
Alpha Protocol
In Alpha Protocol, players take on the role of Micheal Thorton, a weird geezer who can't have a regular conversation. Or aim his gun straight. Or move quietly. Or do anything his job requires of him with any degree of consistency or success... Come on this globe trotting mis-adventure with us in a classic "we played it so you don't have to" episode! Click here for the list! SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://patreon.com/thebonuspoints [£3/$4 tier = TBP Discord, Extra Credit Podcast and behind the scenes content] [£5/$6 tier = Early access, name in video of podcast, TBP Discord, Extra Credit Podcast and behind the scenes content] Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/thebonuspoints.bsky.social Tiktok: https://tiktok.com/@thebonuspointsyt
World of Goo
World of Goo is a 2008 indie game in which you build structures using squishy, springy goo balls and strands. It is considered one of the first widely successful indie games ever, and found its success as gaming really hit the mainstream with the birth of smartphones and the Nintendo Wii. Chances are a lot of you played it when you were younger, and this will be a nostalgia blast for an hour! Click here for the list! SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://patreon.com/thebonuspoints [£3/$4 tier = TBP Discord, Extra Credit Podcast and behind the scenes content] [£5/$6 tier = Early access, name in video of podcast, TBP Discord, Extra Credit Podcast and behind the scenes content] Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/thebonuspoints.bsky.social Tiktok: https://tiktok.com/@thebonuspointsyt
1000xResist is a narrative adventure game set in a future where humanity has been wiped out and replaced with a small society of clones, these clones are all strands of a single teenage girl but over 100s of years built their own religious beliefs, systems and governments, while under the constant threat of a larger entity. If this at all sounds interesting to you we can recommend you play the game first, then come back and check this episode out as it's impossible not to spoil. However we kept the list section spoiler free, if you'd like to see where it lands. (skip to 1:20:30) Click here for the list! SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://patreon.com/thebonuspoints [£3/$4 tier = TBP Discord, Extra Credit Podcast and behind the scenes content] [£5/$6 tier = Early access, name in video of podcast, TBP Discord, Extra Credit Podcast and behind the scenes content] Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/thebonuspoints.bsky.social Tiktok: https://tiktok.com/@thebonuspointsyt
A new podcast where Oli (@oliguy91) and Joe (@stampylongnose) decide which are their greatest video games of all time. Way more casual than it sounds.
Contact us @TheBonusPoints !