This episode is a talk given by the Thai forest meditation master Ajahn Chah and is titled “Timeless Teachings” . It was published as part of the book “The Collected Teachings of Ajahn Chah” which is made available by Aruna Publications. You can find links to the original text in the description below.
It was published as part of the book “The Collected Teachings of Ajahn Chah” which is made available by Aruna Publications.
Everyday Dhamma Network
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UK: England & Wales Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit:
Harnham Buddhist Monastery Trust operating as Aruna Publications asserts its moral
right to be identified as the author of this book.
Harnham Buddhist Monastery Trust requests that you attribute ownership of the work to Aruna Publications on copying, distribution, display or performance of the work.
The Corruption of Life & You Are Your Own Refuge | Ajahn Gunhah
This episode is a compilation of two short teachings by Venerable Ajahn Gunhah Sukakhamo. The first is The Corruption of Life and the second is titled You Are Your Own Refuge. Both teachings come from the book Jai Dee - Jai Sabai - Delivery 2019. These talks were given to a mostly Thai lay audience and have been translated here by Samaneri Viveka at Wat Pah Subthawee Dhammaram.
Jai Dee - Jai Sabai - Delivery 2019
Forest Path Podcast
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The Quickest Way | Ajahn Gunhah
This episode is a series of quotes attributed to Ajahn Gunhah. It’s titled “The Quickest Way” and has been translated by Ajahn Nyanadhammo.
As this is a series of quotes rather than a dhamma talk, there will be a brief two or three second pause between each quote. This is so that you can distinguish that a new quote is coming up, and perhaps also for you to pause the audio to reflect upon a point being made in by the previous quote.
Everyday Dhamma Network
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Transcendence | Ajahn Chah
This episode is a talk given by the Thai forest meditation master Ajahn Chah and is titled “Transcendence” . It was published as part of the book “The Collected Teachings of Ajahn Chah” which is made available by Aruna Publications.
Everyday Dhamma Network
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This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0
UK: England & Wales Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit:
Harnham Buddhist Monastery Trust operating as Aruna Publications asserts its moral
right to be identified as the author of this book.
Harnham Buddhist Monastery Trust requests that you attribute ownership of the work to Aruna Publications on copying, distribution, display or performance of the work.
A Witness To An Extraordinary Event | Ajahn Chob
Welcome to the Forest Path Podcast - a podcast sharing the teachings of Awakened meditation masters of the modern era.
This episode is not a dhamma talk. It is a witness account by Venerable Ajahn Chob when he was a young monk under the training of the great Venerable Ajahn Mun. It is his recollection of the momentous event in which Ajahn Mun Bhuridatto attained to the Dhamma-element.
This witness account appears in the biography of Luang Por Chob called “Ṭhānasamopūjā" in the chapter "Ācariya Mun Bhūridatto attains to the Dhamma-element".
May you all benefit from hearing this gift of dhamma.