A time to give birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot that which is planted... A time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace.
Kohelet ch.2 - Wisdom, Pleasure & Work
Kohelet entertains three possibilities of what might make life meaningful: wisdom, pleasure and work. But the ultimate litmus test will be the death of a person; does anything valuable endure after we depart this work. Is everything ephemeral (hevel)?
Kohelet ch.1 - "Hevel!" - The Philosophy of the Absurd
What is the meaning of life? That is essentially the question that Kohelet seeks to address.Who is Kohelet?What does he mean when he says: "All the rivers flow into the sea but the sea is never full"?
Eikhah ch.5 - "Hashiveinu" - Take us back!
Rather than a lament, Chapter 5 is a prayer. It begins by asking God to remember us and our humiliation, and it ends with a ple asking God to "Take us Back!"
Eikhah ch.4 - Colours of Destruction
Chapter Four uses colours to depicts the suffering of the people on Jerusalem's streets.v.1-11 speak of the siege and faminev.12-20 speak of the bloodshed of Jerusalem and the loss of sovereignty and standing among the international community.The last verse gives a glimmer of hope.