Are you looking for a better understanding of scoliosis? Want to know how to live a life without limits despite your curve? Ahead of the Curve, The Scoliosis Ex...
Episode 108: Why You Have Scapular Winging w/ Scoliosis (& How to Fix It!)
In this week’s episode of Ahead of the Curve, I’m talking all about the common issue of winging scapula associated with scoliosis. You may have heard the common cue of “shoulders down and back,” to help with winging scapula, but that could actually be making your winging scapula worse with scoliosis. You’ll hear me talk about specifics as to why winging scapula occurs with scoliosis and give you actionable techniques that you can use at home to help address this issue. You’ll also hear some updates regarding my small group virtual coaching program, the Scoliosis Strength Collective, including benefits of joining the waitlist.Resources mentioned:Get on the waitlist for the Scoliosis Strength CollectiveVideo - Exercises To Help Scapular Winging FREE At-Home Exercises For ScoliosisSchedule a Discovery Call w/ MeghanMy Virtual Scoliosis Coaching ServicesMy Website
Episode 107: Weightlifting with Scoliosis: A Beginner's Guide
Can you weightlift with scoliosis? Absolutely! But there are some important things to keep in mind before you start. In this week’s episode of Ahead of the Curve, I’m talking all about weightlifting with scoliosis and why it’s vital for those living with scoliosis. You’ll hear about the benefits of weightlifting for scoliosis as well as common exercises that you may need to modify. I’ll also provide you with safe alternatives to the exercises I talk about including ones that I personally use for myself and with clients. Make sure you tune in to this episode to discover how to safely build strength and improve your overall health with scoliosis.Resources mentioned:Get on the waitlist for the Scoliosis Strength CollectiveExercise Video: Goblet SquatExercise Video: Romanian Deadlift (RDL)Exercise Video: Single Arm Shoulder PressExercise Video: Pallof PressFREE At-Home Exercises For ScoliosisSchedule a Discovery Call w/ MeghanMy Virtual Scoliosis Coaching ServicesMy Website
Episode 106: Scoliosis-Friendly Travel Tips: Wisdom From A 15 Hour Flight
Whether you're dreaming of a far-off destination or simply planning a weekend getaway, don’t let your scoliosis symptoms stop you. In this week’s episode of Ahead of the Curve, you’ll hear invaluable insights that I learned from my recent trip to Australia. You’ll hear how I managed my scoliosis symptoms on a 15-hour flight, the challenges of lost luggage, and the tools & techniques I utilized while on the go in a foreign country. You’ll also hear a little sneak peek about my updated Scoliosis Strength Collective program!Resources mentioned:Get on the waitlist for the Scoliosis Strength CollectiveFREE At-Home Exercises For ScoliosisSchedule a Discovery Call w/ MeghanMy Virtual Scoliosis Coaching ServicesMy Website
Episode 105: Curve Convo Chapter 8 with Kerry Green
We have another Curve Convo with Kerry Green on this episode of Ahead of the Curve. In this episode, we talk about our holiday travels, coping with scoliosis during travel, and an exciting new addition to Meg’s family - a puppy! You’ll also hear how Meg dealt with lost luggage on her trip to the other side of the world, our holiday wish lists, and get insightful tips for managing your scoliosis during the holidays and traveling.Resources mentioned:Kerry’s WebsiteKerry’s Instagram Schedule a Discovery Call w/ Meghan
Episode 104: Curve Convo Chapter 7 with Kerry Green
In this week’s episode of Ahead of the Curve, I am again joined by Kerry Green, a licensed therapist and scoliosis advocate, for another chapter of our Curve Convo. In this conversation, we discuss supplements, participating in functional patterns as our workout routine, and travel tips for maintaining spinal health on long flights. You'll also hear about essential tools for workouts and how we're modifying exercises for scoliosis and spinal fusions.Resources mentioned:ElectrolytesCreatineLemon BalmKerry’s WebsiteKerry’s Instagram Schedule a Discovery Call
Sobre Ahead of the Curve, The Scoliosis Experience
Are you looking for a better understanding of scoliosis? Want to know how to live a life without limits despite your curve? Ahead of the Curve, The Scoliosis Experience is the podcast for you! Join Dr. Meghan Teed, @thescoliotherapist, as she dives deep into all things scoliosis and more inside each episode. She'll provide guidance in your journey and demystify scoliosis so that you can feel more confident and comfortable with your curve - whether you're a teen, adult, or medical provider. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity!