Open and Closed Communion: Booth and Hall Jr. | Particular Pilgrims
An open communion answer to Booth finally came in the formidable writing of Robert Hall Jr. In the early 1800s he was perhaps the greatest orator in England, possessed a genius mind, and liked to practice radical politics. In 1815 he produced “Terms of Communion”, a direct challenge to Booth’s Apology.
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"Under God, Over the People" with Oliver Allmand-Smith
Under God, Over the People: The Calling and Accountability of Civil Government speaks biblical truth directly into our situation as churches today as we increasingly face government interference and intervention in the life of the local church. This precise and yet, accessible work draws and expounds upon the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith on the subject of the Civil Magistrate, its calling and its accountability.
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Open and Closed Communion: Bunyan and Kiffen | Particular Pilgrims
We continue with our survey of the open and closed communion debate in preparation for a later review of John Collett Ryland’s principles and practices related to it. Next I’ll review the interactions of John Bunyan and William Kiffen.
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The Importance of Friendship | Pastor's Inbox
In this episode of the Pastor's Inbox installment of the Covenant Podcast, Pastors Joe Wilson and Lee McKinnon introduce the scriptural subject of friendship and discuss its importance.
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Open and Closed Communion | Particular Pilgrims
Before I finish the study of John Collett Ryland’s interesting life, I want to explore three topics in which he played a significant or exemplary role. One of these is his view of who was qualified to partake of the Lord’s Supper. Another is his version of High Calvinism and his interactions with William Carey. And finally, there is his important place in 18th-century English education.
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