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Growing In God with Gary Hargrave

Podcast Growing In God with Gary Hargrave
Gary Hargrave
“Growing in God Podcast” is a podcast dedicated to helping people understand God’s great love, develop spiritual maturity, and experience life as fully devoted ...

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  • GIG235 Is Your Trust in the Lord?
    Growing In God Podcast Web Description: Is God a gentleman? Yes. When we invite Him out of the room, just like a gentleman He leaves. As we watch all the systems we trust in fall apart, we can despair and feel like there are no answers. Well, God has all the answers but we have excluded Him. We need to invite Him back in. We need to end our dependence on what we have created and put all our trust in our Creator.   Show Notes: Elijah learned an important lesson when he fled for his life to Mount Horeb. There he saw a strong wind, but God was not in the wind. Then he saw a powerful earthquake, but God was not in the earthquake. Then he saw a great fire, but God was not in the fire. In the world today we are seeing great destruction from hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires. And of course we often interpret those events as God’s judgments. But what if God is not in any of those things? Maybe we should stop blaming God for them and acknowledge that they are the result of how we as humans have lived.   In this country, as in many countries, we have taken the Lord out of our lives. We have removed Him from every aspect of our society. We have spent years putting our faith and trust in everything but the Lord. We build systems and pour money into programs to meet our needs, and before we know it, we are dependent on those things instead of on God. When those systems fail we are utterly devastated, as we saw in recent fires in California. And that was only one of many catastrophes in the world.   Our concept of the end-time is that God is directly engaged in judging people. A better understanding might be that we suffer the consequences of a lifestyle that excludes God. All the man-made systems we have put our trust in will continue to come tumbling down until we return to trusting, honoring, and glorifying God. Let us return to Him with all our hearts. Let us believe the promise that if we humble ourselves and ask the Lord’s forgiveness, He will hear from heaven and heal our land.   Key Verses:   •       Proverbs 3:5–6. “Trust in the LORD … do not lean on your own understanding.” •       2 Chronicles 7:13–14. “If … My people … humble themselves … I will hear from heaven.” •       James 4:13–15. “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.” •       1 Corinthians 4:7. “What do you have that you did not receive?” •       John 6:53. “You have no life in yourselves.” •       1 Kings 19:9–10. “I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.” •       1 Kings 19:11–18. “The LORD was not in the wind … not in the earthquake … not in the fire.” •       Isaiah 31:1. “Woe to those who … trust in chariots … but they do not … seek the LORD.”   Quotes:   •       “Idolatry is just trusting in anything except God. And I think we do that all the time every day.” •       “We all need to humble ourselves and come before Him and say, ‘We repent of our wicked ways.’ You say, ‘Well, what's my wicked way?’ That we don't trust in Him, that we're not giving our lives to Him, that we're not honoring Him for all that He is.” •       “Whatever we've built, it's only because He's given us the ability to build. Whatever we've done, it's only because of His enabling, His wisdom, His blessing of intelligence.”   Takeaways:   1.    We have grown increasingly dependent on systems that we have built ourselves. Consequently our security comes from things other than the Lord. We have worked the Lord out of our lives, out of our national institutions, out of our marketplace, out of our schools, and out of every aspect of our society. 2.    When it comes to the devastating events such hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires around the world, people declare, “God is doing this. God is doing that.” The truth is that God might not be in any of those things and we are simply experiencing the results of our own lifestyle without God. 3.    Like the tower of Babel, many systems among the nations will come tumbling down until humanity itself turns back to the Lord and says, “You Lord are our only God. You are the Creator of the universe and we glorify You. We honor You. We start trusting in You only, and we humbly repent where we have gone astray.  
  • GIG234 The Lesson of Pharaoh
    Web Description: When judgment happens, do not blame it on God or on those who are serving God. Blame it on those who like Pharaoh refuse time and time again to humble their hearts, who refuse to open their hearts to receive the things of God and His truth, and who never stop in their commitment to destroy God’s people and His creation.    Show Notes: The Israelites learned the lesson of Pharaoh. And we need to learn that lesson or we will misinterpret God’s judgments. Why did God bring judgment after judgment on Egypt? It was because Pharaoh kept refusing the will of God to let the people of Israel go. Pharaoh kept refusing to let his power over Israel be displaced by God. This is the reason God ultimately moves in judgment. It is the refusal of rulers to let their kingdoms be displaced by the Kingdom of God.   Make no mistake, those who are fighting the Kingdom will not stop. Those who are dedicated to the destruction of Israel will never stop. Evil rulers will never stop controlling and oppressing people. Satan will never stop in his drive to destroy all flesh. People accuse God of being full of wrath and indignation. But God’s indignation is simply His response after His long-suffering has delayed judgment until it cannot be delayed any longer. He is a God of peace. But He will use whatever indignation is necessary to stop the destruction of His creation.   Do not think there is a solution for this world other than the Kingdom of God. It must come, and it must be complete. And it will come at the elimination of every kingdom that is driven by satan to refuse God’s Kingdom. We will not have a righteous world until we have a righteous King. We will not have justice until we have a righteous Judge over all the earth. And this is what is beginning to happen. The Kingdom of God is coming, and we should continue to pray for His Kingdom to come.   Key Verses:   •       James 2:13. “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” •       Philippians 2:9–11. “EVERY KNEE WILL BOW … and … every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” •       Isaiah 34:1–3. “For the LORD’s indignation is against all the nations.” •       Matthew 21:33–41. “When the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those vine-growers?” •       Mark 13:20. “No life would have been saved.” •       Joel 3:9–17. “Prepare a war; rouse the mighty men!” •       Exodus 10:1–3. “How long will you refuse to humble yourself before Me?” •       Romans 1:18–32. “God gave them over to a depraved mind.”   Quotes:   •       “God is going to set up His Kingdom. And the end-time and the struggles of the end-time are all surrounding that reality that the Kingdom of God will be set up.” •       “I don't care what the problem is. There is no solution other than the righteous King of all the earth coming to rule and reign over all the earth.” •       “People are moving with a hard heart. Their minds are filled with futility. They're darkened in their understanding. But that's a result of their actions, not a result of God's actions.”   Takeaways:   1.    Just like Pharaoh, satan will never quit. Pharaoh was bent on the destruction of Israel, and today the nations are bent on the destruction of Israel. Those wicked nations that are refusing the Kingdom of God are taking it out on Israel. 2.    These nations will not stop this pursuit until they have brought complete destruction because their minds are filled with deception, their hearts are hardened, and they cannot understand the truth any longer. 3.    The lesson of Pharaoh is that you cannot negotiate with someone who desires nothing but your destruction. And that is who satan is. You can never negotiate with him. He is not going to be saved. He is on one course and one course only: your destruction. 4.    We have to reach into the Lord and His salvation, His truth, His righteousness, and His justice because God is getting ready to move.  
  • GIG233 Nations Are Gathering Against God’s People
    Web Description: Psalm 2 states, “The kings of the earth take their stand … against the Lord and against His Anointed.” So there should be no confusion about the conflict happening in the world. The Kingdom of God is coming, and many governments are standing against it. Yet God’s Kingdom is the answer for the world, and our focus is not on the conflict but on the solution. Father, Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done on the earth.   Show Notes: When a country goes through a change of government, it can experience turmoil. This concept helps us understand what is happening on a global scale today. The entire world is experiencing a governmental changeover as the Kingdom of God comes into the earth. And the reaction of many nations to the Kingdom of God is to reject it. They reject the laws, the conditions, and the requirements of God’s Kingdom. And so a battle ensues.   We need to understand the nature of this battle. There are many wars and rumors of wars in the world today, but the prophecies in Scripture are not about random nations fighting one another. The war against the Kingdom is the war of nations against the Jewish people. That is why we are seeing so many attacks against Israel and against Jews worldwide. It is because they are the representatives of God's Kingdom. Israel is where the Kingdom will come on the earth, and the Jews are the people from whom it manifests.   We must stay focused on what God is doing and stay free from the negativity generated by the hostility of nations against Him and His people. God’s purpose is not to bring war but to fulfill the promised blessings of His Kingdom. We might see many negative events in the days ahead, but it is important that we remember how it all turns out. Many nations and people will go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, to learn His ways and never again learn war. That is the focus of the last days, not the negative. That is our faith and intercession for His Kingdom to come.   Key Verses:   •       Philippians 2:10–11. “Every knee will bow … and … every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” •       Psalm 2:1–3. “The kings of the earth take their stand … against the Lord and against His Anointed.” •       John 4:22. “Salvation is from the Jews.” •       Psalm 2:4–12. “I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance.” •       Matthew 24:6. “You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars.” •       Isaiah 34:1–3. “The Lord’s indignation is against all the nations.” •       Isaiah 2:1–4. “The law will go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”   Quotes:   •       “The nations are in an uproar. Why? Because the Kingdom of God is drawing nearer and nearer.” •       “I think we're at the time where the nations have chosen and taken their stand against the Lord and against His anointed.” •       “The wars will pass away. The rumors of wars will pass away. And as the Kingdom of God sets in, no longer will nation lift up its sword against another nation.”   Takeaways:   1.    What we are witnessing in the world is a governmental changeover, and that is the Kingdom of God coming into the earth. This is not an easy transition as many nations, governments, and peoples will resist submitting to His Lordship. 2.    The focus of resistance and opposition to the Kingdom of God is and always has been the Jewish people because the Kingdom manifests from them. That is why we see increasing attacks against them and against the Jewish homeland of Israel. 3.    If the nations were able to bring peace and justice and solutions to the world’s problems, they would have done so by now. The Kingdom of God has the answers that mankind has been seeking, and we should excitedly await and strive to be a part of it. 4.    We must not let our hearts become fearful or let our spirits faint. Let us proclaim His Word to break the lies that come against God’s people and against His land. Let us pray that the truth of His justice and His love be known and that His government prevails.  
  • GIG232 Thy Kingdom Come
    Growing In God Podcast Web Description: We can be very concerned and even fearful about all the tumult in the world. But as Psalm 2 explains, the nations are in an uproar because they oppose the Kingdom of God. So we should not be surprised by what is happening since we are the ones praying, “Thy Kingdom come, and Thy will be done.” We should be immovable in our faith because our focus is on the Father and not on the world. Show Notes: It is easy to worry about all the turmoil in the world right now. But the events we see taking place are no accident. And they are not without our participation as Christians. We have initiated and are initiating much of what is going on. You could say, “I’m not doing anything. How am I making these things happen?” Well, for centuries Christians have prayed to the Father, “Your Kingdom come; Your will be done on earth.” It is His Kingdom—His will—that the nations are raging against. We can compare these times to watching a hurricane. From one perspective it is a confusing scene of things being ripped apart and swirling around. From another perspective we see the weather forces that are the root cause of all the turmoil. And in the simple prayer Christ taught us, we can maintain a perspective above the storm that is focused on the root cause. We can have a fixed focus on the Father, His will, and His coming Kingdom. You do not have to look around and say, “What is all this craziness in the world? Can you believe what's happening?” Instead, look at the root cause of the hurricane and recognize that everything happening is very simple to understand. It is exactly what was spoken by John the Baptist and Yeshua (Jesus) two thousand years ago. And it was spoken by all the prophets before that about the son of David coming and setting up His Kingdom. By this focus we can put our stake in the ground and become immovable, which is where we are supposed to be in our faith.   Key Verses: •       Matthew 6:7–13. “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth.” •       1 Corinthians 15:25–28. “He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.” •       Matthew 3:1–3. “John the Baptist came, … saying, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” •       Matthew 4:12–17. “Jesus began to preach and say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” •       Psalm 2:1–12. “As for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion.”   Quotes:  •       “This has been going on for a long time. This preaching of and speaking of the Kingdom of God is at the very heart of Christ, the very heart of Judaism, the very heart of our faith.” •       “When nations are addressed, it is not necessarily every individual within that nation. We as believers do have a way of thinking that is a biblical worldview. We have a way of living that is, again, not necessarily in alignment with all of those in the nation surrounding us.” •       “There are going to be many other rulers and dictators and governors, even democracies, that are going to be displaced by this Kingdom that God is bringing forth.”   Takeaways: 1.    What are we living through in these days that we call the end-time? We are living through the dispossession of the leadership and rulership of the earth because the Kingdom of God is coming. And do not forget that we as believers have been a great part of praying these days into existence. 2.    Do not look around and say, “I don't get it. I'm afraid. I'm confused. I'm concerned about the wars and the rumors of wars. It seems like the world has become very dangerous.” Well, it has. And that is because the Prince of Peace is coming to rule and reign. So, do not let your heart be in fear. Do not let your spirit become passive or melt within you. 3.    Continue to pray the prayer that Yeshua gave us from the beginning. Keep your focus on the Father. Keep worshipping Him as the Lord, the Creator of all, and keep speaking into existence, “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  
  • GIG231 The Word Made Flesh
    Web Description: Christ came into this earth as the Word made flesh. We too, having received of His fullness, must grow by grace until we as members of His body are the fullness of Him who fills all things. We too must become in this age the Word made flesh. That is what will have the power and authority that we need to move in the greater works that He has promised.   Show Notes: How amazing it is that the Word of God is so available to us today! We simply have to pick it up and read it. And that is only possible because of the generations of Jewish and Christian scribes who preserved it by faithfully writing it down. When Moses first inscribed that Word in stone, it came with such glory that his face shone, and he had to hide his face with a veil. Today there is still a glory that manifests in the Bible, the written Word. Yet God is looking for something even greater.   He is looking for a greater glory and a greater manifestation of that Word to be more impactful and effective. God is wanting more than His Word engraved on tablets of stone—something outside of us that we know or study. He wants His Word engraved on the tablets of our hearts until we become, as Christ was, the Word made flesh.   That is what He was looking for when He brought Christ to dwell with us. Something had to express His Word to humanity in such a way that the Word could be implanted in us. And the Word implanted in our hearts is to grow until we are the mature expression of that Word as Christ was. And that is what we reach for. We want Him to write His Word on our hearts by the Spirit. We want the veil removed so that we can behold Him as He is and be transformed into His image.   Key Verses:   •       John 1:14–18. “The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.” •       John 1:1–5. “He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him.” •       2 Corinthians 3:1–3. “You are a letter of Christ … on tablets of human hearts.” •       2 Corinthians 3:4–18. “We all, with unveiled face … are being transformed into the same image.” •       1 Peter 1:23. “You have been born again … through the living and enduring word of God.” •       Ephesians 4:11–13. “He gave some … to the building up of the body of Christ.” •       John 1:16. “Of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.” •       Ephesians 1:18–23. “The church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”   Quotes:   •       “Even what Moses did—as tremendous as it was being the expression to write that Word, to speak that Word, to give that that Word to the children of Israel—the power was not there to release mankind into being likewise this expression of the Word of God.” •       “He is not looking for us to be teachers of the Word, to be scholars of the Word, to be believers in the Word, to be those who are witnesses by testimony of that Word; He's looking for us to be as Christ was.” •       “He was the Word made flesh; and we likewise are to attain to that knowledge of the Son of God, to that mature man, to that measure of stature which belonged to Him. We’re to come into His fullness.”   Takeaways:   1.    God created the heavens and the earth by His Word. Then He gave His Word to Moses to speak to the sons of Israel. Since then God’s Word has been recorded and preserved. So we have the Word of God. But something had to express the Word of God to humanity in such a way that the Word could be implanted in us. That is why God gave us His Son, who was the Word made flesh. 2.    When we understand this, we understand what Christ really was. And then we can begin to understand what it is God is looking to impart through Christ manifesting as that Word of God. He is looking for the Word implanted in us to grow until each of us likewise becomes the Word made flesh. 3.    The reason for the Church and the ministries God gave to the Church is to build up the Body of Christ until we grow into a mature man, to the measure of the stature that belongs to the fullness of Christ.  

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Sobre Growing In God with Gary Hargrave

“Growing in God Podcast” is a podcast dedicated to helping people understand God’s great love, develop spiritual maturity, and experience life as fully devoted followers of Yeshua (Jesus). The podcast provides insights and biblical studies that reflect the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith, as well as topics like sonship, discipleship, prophecy, prayer and intercession. It also tackles issues like anti-Semitism, lordship, and replacement theology from a biblical perspective. Hosted by author, pastor, and Christian leader Gary Hargrave D.Litt., “GROWING IN GOD Podcast” presents the Holy Scriptures as the guidebook to experience a daily dynamic life of faith that leads to spiritual maturity — a process that requires time, focus, and commitment.
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