Troy & Dave take an alcohol-impaired look at the MARVEL Comics blockbuster event books, kicking off with Avengers: Disassembled and continuing until they are bo...
The Green Goliath returns to earth with a vendetta against those who sent him away.
Why isn't this event more interesting? Have we hit the wall?
After the events of Civil War, Troy and Dave dip into the cosmic universe where a different battle is being fought among the stars. Who will survive the annihilation wave? Us? You? Let's find out.
Civil War
The duo return to the airwaves just in time for the Avengers to split. Lend us your ears, and keep your eyes peeled, because this event is so big, it's spilling onto our main Imperius Rex YouTube channel later this week.
Today Troy and Dave examine the blockbuster Marvel comic book event: Civil War.
Planet Hulk
Before things go Green on Sakaar, we take a look back at two favorite books that will shape future events. The Sentry and The Hood; two original characters whom Bendis pulls into his Avengers run. We also get up to speed on New Avengers, digging into Spider-Woman's layered past and the fallout of House of M.
Then it's time for the main event- the Green Goliath faces down an entire planet of aliens to become the Green Scar- Savior of the world... or breaker?
House of M
Following up on the catastrophic events he set in motion with Avengers Disassembled, Bendis returns to the mentally unstable Scarlet Witch as she... unleashes more catastrophic events.
Troy & Dave take an alcohol-impaired look at the MARVEL Comics blockbuster event books, kicking off with Avengers: Disassembled and continuing until they are both burnt-out shadows of their former selves. Join us.
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