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James Low - Dzogchen and Buddhist Teachings

Podcast James Low - Dzogchen and Buddhist Teachings
James Low
James Low is a disciple and teacher in the Byangter and Khordong lineages of the late Chhimed Rigdzin Lama. James regularly teaches the principles of dzogchen ...

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  • Introduction to Ayu Khandro. [extract] Seville 02.2017
    Excerpt form the lecture "Resting in Open Awareness. [EN-ES] Zoom 01.2025", the dzogchen way of awakening to the ground of one’s being, with James Low, in Seville, Spain, 24-28th February 2017. Teaching and commentary by James Low on the Tibetan text by Ayu Khandro called "Record of the heartfelt advice of the dakini, Indestructible Glorious Lamp", translated from the Tibetan into various languages. 1/2 Resting in Open Awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZC_izuAagU&t=0s 2/2 Resting in Open Awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oanr93YTTb0&t=0s 📱 Instagram of excerpts: / simplybeingsangha 🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/ 📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
  • 2/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017
    24-28th February 2017. Resting in open awareness, the dzogchen way of awakening to the ground of one’s being. James Low’s dzogchen retreat at Escuela Gaia de Estudios Alternativos (Centro Ecológico Gaia) in Sevilla, Spain. https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/seville-2/ Teaching and commentary by James Low on the Tibetan text by Ayu Khandro called "Record of the heartfelt advice of the dakini, Indestructible Glorious Lamp", translated from the Tibetan into various languages: • Tibetan: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/BT-Ayo-Khandro_-Record-of-the-heart-felt-advice-of-dakini_vers1_19-05-12-copy.pdf • English: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Ayu-Khandro-English-translation-12062019.pdf • German: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/299_Ayu_Khandro_Herzensrat_der_Dakini_Glorreiches_Licht_Ver1_1.pdf • Polish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Translated-by-Dariusz-Misiuna-Polish-2013.pdf • Spanish: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Consejo-de-la-dakini-Luz-Gloriosa-MOrozco_4.pdf • Portuguese: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Ayu-Khandro-Portuguese-JVN-24-07-2022.pdf • Turkish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Ayu-Khandro-Turkish-translation-13.07.2024.pdf • French: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu_Khandro_Tr_by_Martine_and_Manon_Widmer_French.pdf • Italian: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Translated-by-Giovanna-Santoro-Italian-22-01-17.pdf The English text is included in "Finding Freedom: Texts from the Theravada, Mahayana and Dzogchen Buddhist traditions" by James Low, published in 2019: https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Freedom-Theravadin-Mahayana-traditions-ebook/dp/B0DJG6KJB7 You can also listen to James' oral teaching on this text in: • The Heart of Dzogchen, Eifel, Germany, 2012: https://simplybeing.co.uk/texts-and-transcripts/the-heart-of-dzogchen-eifel-oct-2012-2/ • Easy illumination, Oxford, UK, 2019: https://simplybeing.co.uk/audio-records/year/audio2019/retreat-easy-illumination-oxford-9-10-11-2019/ Spanish translation: Juan García Lázaro "(00:00) Day 1 - February 24th, 2017" "(01:29:58) Day 2 - February 25th, 2017" "(06:44:54) Day 3 - February 26th, 2017" "(10:53:13) Day 4 (1st half) - February 27th, 2017" 1/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZC_izuAagU&t=0s 2/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oanr93YTTb0&t=0s (you are here) Cover art: Nithin PA 📱 Instagram of excerpts: / simplybeingsangha 🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/ 📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
  • 1/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017
    24-28th February 2017. Resting in open awareness, the dzogchen way of awakening to the ground of one’s being. James Low’s dzogchen retreat at Escuela Gaia de Estudios Alternativos (Centro Ecológico Gaia) in Sevilla, Spain. https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/seville-2/ Teaching and commentary by James Low on the Tibetan text by Ayu Khandro called "Record of the heartfelt advice of the dakini, Indestructible Glorious Lamp", translated from the Tibetan into various languages: • Tibetan: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/BT-Ayo-Khandro_-Record-of-the-heart-felt-advice-of-dakini_vers1_19-05-12-copy.pdf • English: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Ayu-Khandro-English-translation-12062019.pdf • German: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/299_Ayu_Khandro_Herzensrat_der_Dakini_Glorreiches_Licht_Ver1_1.pdf • Polish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Translated-by-Dariusz-Misiuna-Polish-2013.pdf • Spanish: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Consejo-de-la-dakini-Luz-Gloriosa-MOrozco_4.pdf • Portuguese: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Ayu-Khandro-Portuguese-JVN-24-07-2022.pdf • Turkish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Ayu-Khandro-Turkish-translation-13.07.2024.pdf • French: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu_Khandro_Tr_by_Martine_and_Manon_Widmer_French.pdf • Italian: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Translated-by-Giovanna-Santoro-Italian-22-01-17.pdf The English text is included in "Finding Freedom: Texts from the Theravada, Mahayana and Dzogchen Buddhist traditions" by James Low, published in 2019: https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Freedom-Theravadin-Mahayana-traditions-ebook/dp/B0DJG6KJB7 You can also listen to James' oral teaching on this text in: • The Heart of Dzogchen, Eifel, Germany, 2012: https://simplybeing.co.uk/texts-and-transcripts/the-heart-of-dzogchen-eifel-oct-2012-2/ • Easy illumination, Oxford, UK, 2019: https://simplybeing.co.uk/audio-records/year/audio2019/retreat-easy-illumination-oxford-9-10-11-2019/ Spanish translation: Juan García Lázaro "(00:00) Day 1 - February 24th, 2017" "(01:29:58) Day 2 - February 25th, 2017" "(06:44:54) Day 3 - February 26th, 2017" "(10:53:13) Day 4 (1st half) - February 27th, 2017" 1/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZC_izuAagU&t=0s (you are here) 2/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oanr93YTTb0&t=0s Cover art: Nithin PA 📱 Instagram of excerpts: / simplybeingsangha 🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/ 📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
  • Questions & Answers. [EN-TR] Zoom 12.2024. Part 37
    11th December 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer. Turkish translation: Mustafa mert Çelebi S1) Bilgelik ve şefkat arasındaki ilişki nedir? S2) Gün içerisinde ortaya çıkan obsesif düşünceler, hayaller, fanteziler ve anılarla nasıl çalışabilirim? S3) Acı duymama sebep olan birisine yönelik güçlü bağlanmamı nasıl bırakabilirim? S4) Hissiyatlarımı bırakamıyorum. Bu acıyla nasıl yaşayabilirim? S5) Kişi insan olarak bu yaşam süresi içerisinde sabit bir Trekcho'ya eremediyse, Sukhavati, Şambala veya Zangdokpalri gibi saf bir Buda diyarında yeniden doğabilir mi? S6) Bir saf buda diyarında yeniden doğabiliyorsak, bu bardoda nasıl gerçekleşiyor? S7) Tummo Trekchö'yü nasıl destekler? S8) Hastalık vaziyetlerinde, iyileşmek için tıbbi ya da holistik çareler aramak ile sadece olanla kalmak ve mevcut durumun kendi iyileşme devinimini bulmasına izin vermek arasında bir denge var mıdır? S9) Padmasambhava'nın şu açıklamasının manası nedir; "Benim babam Samantabhadra ve benim annem Samantabhadridir." Bu ilksel budanın birleşik formunda cinsel birleşme halinde gördüğümüz iki biçimdir. "Benim ait olduğum aile ikiliksizliğin, farkındalığın uzayının ailesidir. Benim adım şanlı Lotustan Doğandır. Benim besinim ikiliğin kavramlarıdır. Ben tüm görüngünün doğmamış uzayıyımdır."
  • Questions & Answers. [EN-RU] Zoom 12.2024. Part 37
    11th December 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer. Russian translation: Marina Samarina B1) Какова связь мудрости и сострадания? B2) Что делать с навязчивыми мыслями, фантазиями и воспоминаниями, возникающими в течение дня? B3) Как отпустить сильную привязанность к человеку, которая причиняет боль? B4) Я не могу отпустить свои чувства. Я просто остаюсь с ними, пока они не исчезнут. Как пережить эту боль? B5) Можно ли получить благоприятное перерождение в чистой земле Будды, такой как Сукхавати, если в этой жизни в человеческой форме не достигнута устойчивость в практике Трекчо? B6) Если можно переродиться в чистой земле, как это может произойти в бардо? B7) Как Туммо поддерживает Трекчо? B8) В болезни, как найти баланс между поиском средств лечения — в рамках ортодоксальной или холистической медицины — и просто пребыванием в том, что есть, позволяя состоянию найти своё собственное движение к исцелению? B9) Кто-то прислал цитату из Падмасамбхавы. Когда он родился, он сказал следующее: «Мой отец — Самантабхадра, а моя мать — Самантабхадри». Эти два аспекта мы видим в сексуальном союзе — объединенной форме изначального Будды. «Я принадлежу к семье недвойственности, сфере осознавания. Моё имя — Славный Рождённый из Лотоса. Я питаюсь концепциями двойственности. Я есть нерожденная сфера всех феноменов». Что это значит?

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Sobre James Low - Dzogchen and Buddhist Teachings

James Low is a disciple and teacher in the Byangter and Khordong lineages of the late Chhimed Rigdzin Lama. James regularly teaches the principles of dzogchen Buddhism in Europe and he publishes translations and commentaries from time to time. Many of his seminars have been recorded and transcribed. They are now being put on his website to provide access for those seeking to deepen their dharma understanding and explore how to apply it in the complexities of everyday life. Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
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