Predicting the Pokemon Day Direct Next Week! - Episode 77
Pokemon Day is near. And with a new game and so much potential for insane announcements, join us as we discuss what we want to see on the 27th!
Let’s Talk About The Rumored February Direct - Episode 76
With the announcement of the Switch 2 and a Direct, what could they possibly tell us about? Join us as we speculate about the upcoming Nintendo Direct!
EVERYTHING We'd Want to See in the Next Mario Kart! - Episode 75
With the announcement of Switch 2 and the reveal of the new Mario Kart we wanted to go through our wishlist for the next Mario Kart game! Let us know What you would like to see in the next game!
Let's Talk About The Nintendo Switch 2 REVEAL! | Nintendo Tonight
Switch 2 was FINALLY announced! Lets talk about it. Thanks to everyone who tuned in live! Keep and eye out for more live podcasts on the Nintendo Tonight Youtube Channel as well as on SwitchStop!
The Switch 2 was LEAKED for REAL this Time! - Episode 73
What is Dbrand thinking? What does this mean for the future of Nintendo? Thank you All for a great year! Can't wait for 2025!