The Nintendo Pipeline is the official Nintendo Pipeline Discord podcast featuring CMM1215 (Clay), 1upmuffin (Jared), and James (James)! You can expect deep dive...
The Pipeline gang has assembled again to talk about the Nintendo Switch 2 reveal trailer! How much can we talk about a three minute video? A lot. Hear our thoughts, predictions, and more!
Cast: 1upmuffin (Host), CMM1215, Mina
Ep. 71 || Double Feature direct feat. Mina & Noise
Nintendo put on TWO Direct presentations back-to-back! See what the gang things about the latest Indie World and Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase! Video games rock!
Cast: 1upmuffin (Host), CMM1215, Mina, Noise
Ep. 70 || The Final Switch Direct? feat. Mina
Join Jared, James, and Mina as they discuss what could possibly be the last big direct of the Switch 1 era.
Ep. 69 || Howdy, Nintendo Partner Direct!
The long rumored Nintendo Partner Direct finally reared its head last week, and 1up (Jared) and CMM (Clay) are here to give their impressions of the presentation! And yes, we do talk a little bit about Mother 3. Nice!
NOTE: Mild echo sometimes appears in this episode. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Another Smash Remix update means another developer podcast! With Smash Remix 1.5's inclusion of Banjo, Ebisumaru and Dragon King, there's a lot to talk about here! Hear about Banjo's design philosophy, how certain moves came together for Dragon King, the wide selection of music, and tons of miscellaneous features!
The Nintendo Pipeline is the official Nintendo Pipeline Discord podcast featuring CMM1215 (Clay), 1upmuffin (Jared), and James (James)! You can expect deep dives on Nintendo games and discussion of Nintendo news and rumors!
Edited by the great nes underscore