Wei's First Day: Triumph at Renmin Park
Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Wei's First Day: Triumph at Renmin Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2024-11-27-23-34-02-zh Story Transcript:Zh: 成都是一个美丽的城市,尤其在秋天,公园里到处都是金色的叶子。En: Chengdu is a beautiful city, especially in autumn when the park is filled with golden leaves.Zh: 微风轻轻地吹过人民公园,把掉落的叶子轻轻卷起,带来一丝凉意。En: A gentle breeze sweeps through Renmin Park, delicately swirling the fallen leaves and bringing a hint of coolness.Zh: 微是一个年轻的职场新人,今天是他新工作的第一天。En: Wei is a young newcomer to the workplace, and today is his first day at his new job.Zh: 他既紧张又兴奋,希望能给经理华留下好印象。En: He is both nervous and excited, hoping to make a good impression on his manager, Hua.Zh: 人民公园的早晨热闹非凡,手里拿着热茶的游客聊天和轻松地笑声交织在一起。En: The morning at Renmin Park is bustling with activity, with tourists chatting and laughing with cups of hot tea in hand.Zh: 微走进公司办公室时,心里起伏不定。En: As Wei walks into the company office, his heart is unsettled.Zh: 他打起精神,大步走到自己的座位。En: He gathers his spirits and strides to his seat.Zh: 那是一个温馨的角落,窗外可以看到公园的景色。En: It's a cozy corner with a view of the park outside.Zh: 他的同事李非常友好,热情地欢迎他加入团队。En: His colleague, Li, is very friendly and warmly welcomes him to the team.Zh: 李给微倒了一杯热茶,微顿时觉得心里暖洋洋的。En: Li pours Wei a cup of hot tea, and immediately, he feels a warm sensation in his heart.Zh: 然而,他仍旧紧张,担心自己不能胜任新的工作任务。En: However, he remains nervous, worried that he might not be up to the new work tasks.Zh: 在工作的第一个小时,微感到压力越来越大。En: In the first hour of work, Wei feels the pressure mounting.Zh: 他面前的任务有些陌生,手忙脚乱时,纸上的数字似乎在跳舞。En: The tasks before him are somewhat unfamiliar, and in his flustered state, the numbers on paper seem to dance around.Zh: 微小声自言自语:“我该怎么办呢?”En: Wei mutters to himself, "What should I do?"Zh: 终于,微做了一个重要的决定。En: Finally, Wei makes an important decision.Zh: 他走到李的桌旁,把自尊心放在一边,礼貌地请教:“李,请问你能帮助我吗?”En: He walks over to Li's desk, sets aside his pride, and politely asks, "Could you help me, Li?"Zh: 李微笑着回答:“当然可以,别担心,我们一起解决。”En: Li smiles and replies, "Of course, don't worry, we'll solve it together."Zh: 李耐心地给微讲解工作流程,慢慢地,微开始放松下来。En: Li patiently explains the workflow to Wei, and gradually, Wei begins to relax.Zh: 不久之后,经理华走进办公室,宣布即将召开一个小型会议。En: Soon after, Manager Hua enters the office, announcing a small meeting will be held.Zh: 微突然意识到,他得为整个团队做一个介绍演讲。En: Wei suddenly realizes he has to give a presentation to the whole team.Zh: 他心跳加快,但想到李刚刚的帮助,他决定不是一个人孤军奋斗。En: His heart races, but remembering Li's recent help, he decides he will not face this challenge alone.Zh: 在会议开始时,微深吸一口气,站在团队面前。En: As the meeting begins, Wei takes a deep breath and stands before the team.Zh: 他的声音有些颤抖,但随着演讲的进行,他逐渐变得自信。En: His voice trembles a bit, but as the presentation progresses, he becomes more confident.Zh: 他条理清晰,落落大方,全场的目光都集中在他身上。En: He is clear and composed, with all eyes focused on him.Zh: 演讲结束时,华满意地点了点头,对微说:“很好,表现得不错。”En: At the end of the presentation, Hua nods approvingly and says to Wei, "Very good, well done."Zh: 微心中的一块大石头终于落地,他感到一阵轻松。En: A heavy weight is lifted from Wei's heart, and he feels a sense of relief.Zh: 当天结束后,微在楼梯间感慨地说:“谢谢,李。如果没有你的帮助,我可能会搞砸。”En: At the end of the day, Wei remarks in the stairwell, "Thank you, Li. If it weren't for your help, I might have messed up."Zh: 李拍拍他的肩膀:“没关系,我们是一个团队。”En: Li pats his shoulder, "No worries, we're a team."Zh: 微微笑着点头,感谢李的支持。En: Wei smiles and nods, grateful for Li's support.Zh: 这一天结束时,微不仅赢得了同事的认可,也对自己有了更多的信心。En: By the end of the day, Wei not only earned his colleagues' approval but also gained more confidence in himself.Zh: 第一天尽管艰难,但他知道只要有伙伴的帮助,没有什么挑战是无法克服的。En: Although the first day was challenging, he knows that with the help of partners, no challenge is insurmountable.Zh: 从此,微在公司里不仅努力,也学会了和同事合作,他将这个第一天视为一个坚实的起点。En: From then on, Wei worked hard at the company and also learned to collaborate with his colleagues, seeing this first day as a solid starting point.Zh: 未来充满了光明。En: The future is bright. Vocabulary Words:autumn: 秋天gentle: 轻轻地delicately: 轻轻newcomer: 新人nervous: 紧张impression: 印象bustling: 热闹非凡unsettled: 起伏不定cozy: 温馨的sensation: 感觉unfamiliar: 陌生flustered: 手忙脚乱mutter: 自言自语polite: 礼貌workflow: 工作流程relax: 放松announcement: 宣布presentation: 演讲tremble: 颤抖composed: 落落大方approval: 点头relief: 轻松remark: 感慨confidence: 信心challenge: 挑战insurmountable: 无法克服collaborate: 合作solid: 坚实starting point: 起点bright: 光明