Libertarian, Voluntarist, Anarchist, Freedom & Liberty Loving Activists
What's on your mind? Unlike those right-wing or left-liberal extremist shows, Free Talk Live is libertarian talk radio that ANYONE can take control of. Yes, eve...
Will Trump 2.0 be different or better? :: Trump promises to slash red tape in Washington, we're skeptical :: Sarah begrudgingly accepts that we need cars, but believe states should punish drivers more :: Is capitalism inherently bad, or do we have it at all in the US? :: Caller discusses David Lynch's film legacy :: Names and nicknames :: 2025-01-018 :: Chris R., Bonnie, Stu
Free Talk Live 2025-01-19
Background checks for 3D printers :: does anyone pay use tax :: does tax evasion violate the NAP :: arsonist cites TikTok ban :: Texas morality police in supreme court to weaken 1st amendment :: Sarah wants snitch cars :: what is or isn't a cryptocurrency :: NH growing liberty representation :: compliance to business tax code impossible :: 01-19-2025:: Hosts: Stu, Riley, Mr. Penguin
#anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #libertarian #free state project #new hampshire #activism
FTL Digest 2025-01-11
Trump to annex Greenland and Canada :: Zoning laws kill imaginative/ improved designs for towns/cities :: Free Ross Ulbricht :: The Great Reset and the World Economic forum :: "They" want us to be miserable :: :: Hosts: Bonnie, Stu, Riley
Free Talk Live 2025-01-12
California Wildfires and their multiple causes :: Prison slave labor :: Is insurance to blame for the wildfires? :: Private resources are evil? :: Sex trafficking in NM :: Sarah has converted top capitalism :: Bad government creates bad living conditions :: Facebook ending DEI and people are very upset :: Some in the trans community are harming the trans community :: Biology talk live :: 01-12-2024:: Hosts: Lori, Bonnie, Rich E. Rich
What's on your mind? Unlike those right-wing or left-liberal extremist shows, Free Talk Live is libertarian talk radio that ANYONE can take control of. Yes, even you. Free Talk Live is the next generation of issues-oriented talk. What is the meaning of freedom? This show is about Liberty with a capital L.