Join 3 experienced Open Source professionals as they discuss the impact Linux has in their daily lives. Upbeat family-friendly banter, conversation and discussi...
In this episode:
Alan has written Grummage for inspecting the output of Grype.
Martin is hosting his own personal Fediverse instance with GoToSocial, and has written a backup tool.
Mark is listening to Critical Role with Audiobookshelf.
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Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub
In this episode:
Alan uses vhs to make a short video
Mark uses MARP to build a presentation in MarkDown for a lightning talk at OggCamp
Martin uses pueue to manage all his mainframe jobs
You can send your feedback via [email protected]. If you’d like to hang out with other listeners and share your feedback with the community you can join:
The Linux Matters Chatters on Telegram.
The #linux-matters channel on the Late Night Linux Discord server.
If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.
Somewhere Over the Keybow
In this episode:
Martin has been keeping setting up simple monitoring and observability on a new server with and gatus
Alan has been creating animated gifs of terminal sessions with t-rec.
Mark picked up a Keybow MINI from the swaps table at OggCamp.
You can send your feedback via [email protected] or the Contact Form. If you’d like to hang out with other listeners and share your feedback with the community you can join:
The Linux Matters Chatters on Telegram.
The #linux-matters channel on the Late Night Linux Discord server.
If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.
Punch Up in the Garden
In this episode:
Martin has been keeping his secrets safe with gocryptfs.
CLI setup:
gocryptfs -init ~/Syncthing/Secrets: Create encrypted storage
gocryptfs ~/Syncthing/Secrets ~/Vault: Mount the decrypted secrets under ~/Vault
fusermount -u ~/Vault: Unmount the decrypted secrets
GUI Tools:
vaults (Linux, GTK4)
SiriKali (cross-platform, Qt)
Mark wrote, built and released powerline-go-moodle.
Alan joined the club and bought an LG Dualup monitor.
You can send your feedback via [email protected] or the Contact Form. If you’d like to hang out with other listeners and share your feedback with the community you can join:
The Linux Matters Chatters on Telegram.
The #linux-matters channel on the Late Night Linux Discord server.
If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.
The Reply Guys
In this episode:
Alan, Martin, and Mark read your feedback about streaming audio and video, those funny square monitors, funny keyboards and more.
Some links and products mentioned in the show:
Elis’ monitors we “forced” them to buy
Indoor cameras
You can send feedback via [email protected] or the Contact Form. If you’d like to hang out with other listeners and share your feedback with the community, you can join:
The Linux Matters Chatters on Telegram.
The #linux-matters channel on the Late Night Linux Discord server.
If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.
Join 3 experienced Open Source professionals as they discuss the impact Linux has in their daily lives. Upbeat family-friendly banter, conversation and discussion for Linux enthusiasts and casual observers of all ages. A new episode every two weeks covering terminal productivity, desktop experience, development, gaming, hosting, hardware, community, cloud-native and all the Linux Matters that matter.