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Linux User Space

Podcast Linux User Space
Linux User Space
How did your favorite Linux distribution get its start? Join us and find out! Linux User Space is hosted by Leo and Dan, and every two weeks we deep dive into t...

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  • Episode 5:05: Version Not Supported
    Coming up in this episode * 2 be or y292B? * Set your watch to Mozilla * And we FINALLY get back to ya 0:00 Cold Open 2:35 libfuse2 & Y292B 15:09 Mozilla Alt Text & Layoffs 37:35 Pjolt on Thunderbird & iOS 45:20 Chris Recommends an Android 49:34 Chaos-r3v says it's FreeBSD 58:51 Stan Wonders: Mint or Ubuntu? 1:04:35 Next Time! 1:06:45 Stinger The Video Version! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV67oDTbqU0) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV67oDTbqU0 Preshow If your podcatcher made you feel like you have deja vu for episode 5:04, you probably were correct. We had a little mixup on the upload. Just delete the bad episode and re-download. You can verify the episode here - https://linuxuserspace.show/504 📣Announcements📣 This program was made possible by: * 📺️Youtube (https://youtube.com/linuxuserspace) * 📽️TILvids (https://tilvids.com/a/linuxuserspace) * And by contributions to your L-U-S station by Patrons (https://patreon.com/linuxuserspace) like you 😍 🔥Warm Up🔥 Our Appimage video has outdated instructions. Ubuntu renamed the libfuse2 package to libfuse2t64. More information on the AppImageKit wiki page (https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/wiki/FUSE) about the correct Fuse packages for your distribution. 📣More Announcements📣 Want to have a topic covered or have some feedback? - send us an email, [email protected] OR jump on over to the open forum on Lemmy (https://lemmy.linuxuserspace.show/c/forum) Mozilla Watch Mozilla is using AI to help improve alt text generation (https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/ai/help-us-improve-our-alt-text-generation-model/) Mozilla announce a huge 30 percent layoff (https://www.theverge.com/2024/11/5/24289124/mozilla-foundation-layoffs-advocacy-global-programs) 🧹Housekeeping🧹 Catch these and other great topics as they unfold on our Subreddit or our News channel on Discord. * 🗞️ Linux User Space Lemmy (https://lemmy.linuxuserspace.show) * 📰 Linux User Space subreddit (https://linuxuserspace.show/reddit) * ⌨️ Linux User Space Discord Server (https://linuxuserspace.show/discord) * 📲 Linux User Space Telegram (https://linuxuserspace.show/telegram) * ✉️ Linux User Space Matrix (https://linuxuserspace.show/matrix) * 📽️ Linux User Space Twitch (https://linuxuserspace.show/twitch) * 🐘 Linux User Space Mastodon (https://linuxuserspace.show/mastodon) * 📜 Linux User Space Twitter (https://linuxuserspace.show/twitter) * 📺️ Linux User Space TILVids (https://linuxuserspace.show/tilvids) * 📱 Linux User Space Bluesky (https://linuxuserspace.show/bluesky) Feedback Pjolt - Thunderbird for iOS? Thunderbird is in the roadmap for iOS (https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/thunderbird-for-iphone-and-ipad/idc-p/55779/highlight/true#M32691) Chris - Which Android device? The Pixel (https://swappa.com/buy/google-pixel-7a) has Chris's vote. Chaos-r3v - Juniper Network switches At least under the hood Junos OS is based on FreeBSD (https://www.juniper.net/documentation/us/en/software/junos/junos-install-upgrade/topics/topic-map/junos-os-overview.html) Stan - Multiple Operating Systems on the same hardware It is posssible to dualboot Ubuntu (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot) and Linux Mint (https://www.learnlinux.tv/how-to-dual-boot-windows-11-linux-mint-step-by-step-guide/) or just about any Linux distribution. As far as which distribution is best, that really depends on you and what works best in your mind. 🔭Next Time🔭 We plan to cover the history episode of Snap Packages (https://snapcraft.io/). Come back in two weeks for more Linux User Space. Watch for our livestream announcements. Stay tuned📡 for announcements of our return and interact with us on Lemmy, Twitter, Mastodon, Telegram, Matrix, Discord whatever. Give us your suggestions on our subreddit r/LinuxUserSpace Join the conversation. Talk to us, and give us more ideas. All the links in the show notes and on linuxuserspace.show. We would like to acknowledge 🤩 our top patrons. Thank you 🙏 for your support! Producer Bruno Dave John Johnny Matt M. Visaggio & Co Co-Producer --verbose MarshMan GrouchyM Pjol Tim Super User A.J. Advait Backshift6090 CubicleNate Eduardo S. FrozenGorilla Hausken Jeff3ix Jefferson Jill and Steve Larry LiNuXsys666 Livet Musical Coder Mick Nicholas Rotted Mood sleepyeyesvince The Saigoneer
  • Episode 5:04: Protocol '99
    Coming up in this episode * Style it Like it's 1999 * It Violates Freedom 0! * We Turn it off and on again * and You Can Send it to LUS! 0:00 Cold Open 2:10 Going Back to 1999 23:32 Bitwarden Says "BOO!" 39:11 Turn It Off and On Again 56:02 The Windows Cliff 1:16:41 Next Time! 1:20:05 Stinger And the video version! (https://youtu.be/wXODmWq9ZZU) https://youtu.be/wXODmWq9ZZU Warm Up How to make a web page? CSS (https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS/#css) and HTML? (https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/) A static site generator like Jekyll (https://jekyllrb.com) or Hugo? (https://gohugo.io) A CMS like Drupal (https://www.drupal.org) or Joomla? (https://www.joomla.org) 📣Announcements📣 This program was made possible by: * 📺️Youtube (https://youtube.com/linuxuserspace) * 📽️TILvids (https://tilvids.com/a/linuxuserspace) * And by contributions to your L-U-S station by Patrons (https://patreon.com/linuxuserspace) like you 😍 Bitwarden gives a scare The issue (https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/11611) Whoopsie Doodle (https://x.com/Bitwarden/status/1848135725663076446) Bitwarden License FAQ (https://github.com/bitwarden/server/blob/main/LICENSE_FAQ.md) Bitwarden SDK License (https://github.com/bitwarden/sdk/blob/main/LICENSE) It violates freedom 0! (https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html) After we recorded there was further news. (https://www.phoronix.com/news/Bitwarden-Code-Cleared-Up) 📣More Announcements📣 Want to have a topic covered or have some feedback? - send us an email, [email protected] OR jump on over to the open forum on Lemmy (https://lemmy.linuxuserspace.show/c/forum) Turn it off and back on again NSA has some advice for you (https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/21018353/nsa-mobile-device-best-practices.pdf) The Forbes take (https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2024/10/22/nsa-tells-iphone-and-android-users-reboot-your-device-now/) 🧹Housekeeping🧹 Catch these and other great topics as they unfold on our Subreddit or our News channel on Discord. * 🗞️ Linux User Space Lemmy (https://lemmy.linuxuserspace.show) * 📰 Linux User Space subreddit (https://linuxuserspace.show/reddit) * ⌨️ Linux User Space Discord Server (https://linuxuserspace.show/discord) * 📲 Linux User Space Telegram (https://linuxuserspace.show/telegram) * ✉️ Linux User Space Matrix (https://linuxuserspace.show/matrix) * 📽️ Linux User Space Twitch (https://linuxuserspace.show/twitch) * 🐘 Linux User Space Mastodon (https://linuxuserspace.show/mastodon) * 📜 Linux User Space Twitter (https://linuxuserspace.show/twitter) * 📺️ Linux User Space TILVids (https://linuxuserspace.show/tilvids) * 📱 Linux User Space Bluesky (https://linuxuserspace.show/bluesky) Your PC is no good, send it to LUS The Windows 10 cliff (https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/10/lots-of-pcs-are-poised-to-fall-off-the-windows-10-update-cliff-one-year-from-today/) What should people do? Send us your feedback! (https://linuxuserspace.show/contact) 🔭Next Time🔭 We plan to cover more feedback and topics. Our next history episode will be on Snap Packages (https://snapcraft.io/). Come back in two weeks for more Linux User Space. Watch for our livestream announcements. Stay tuned📡 for announcements of our return and interact with us on Lemmy, Twitter, Mastodon, Telegram, Matrix, Discord whatever. Give us your suggestions on our subreddit r/LinuxUserSpace Join the conversation. Talk to us, and give us more ideas. All the links in the show notes and on linuxuserspace.show. We would like to acknowledge 🤩 our top patrons. Thank you 🙏 for your support! Producer Bruno Dave John Johnny Visaggio & Co Co-Producer --verbose MarshMan GrouchyM Pjol Tim Super User A.J. Advait Backshift6090 CubicleNate Eduardo S. FrozenGorilla Hausken Jeff3ix Jefferson Jill and Steve Larry LiNuXsys666 Livet Musical Coder Mick Nicholas Rotted Mood sleepyeyesvince The Saigoneer
  • Episode 5:03: Just Wing It More
    Coming up in this episode * The Archive Gets Downed * Thunderbird Goes Mobile * and the Oriole Takes Flight 0:00 Cold Open 1:44 Panic at the Archive! 20:00 Thunderbird's On Android 43:11 Ubuntu's Out, We're In 1:05:15 Next Time 1:08:18 Stinger The Video Version! (https://youtu.be/08a-W_qHwHI) https://youtu.be/08a-W_qHwHI Warm Up The Internet Archive suffers a DDoS attack and breach (https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/internet-archive-hacked-data-breach-impacts-31-million-users/) 📣Announcements📣 This program was made possible by: * 📺️Youtube (https://youtube.com/linuxuserspace) * 📽️TILvids (https://tilvids.com/a/linuxuserspace) * And by contributions to your L-U-S station by Patrons (https://patreon.com/linuxuserspace) like you 😍 Thunderbird for Android The Beta announcement (https://blog.thunderbird.net/2024/09/help-us-test-the-thunderbird-for-android-beta/) arsTechnica article (https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/10/thunderbird-android-client-is-k-9-mail-reborn-and-its-in-solid-beta/) The Register article (https://www.theregister.com/2024/10/09/thunderbird_for_android_beta/?td=rt-3a) 📣More Announcements📣 Want to have a topic covered or have some feedback? - send us an email, [email protected] OR jump on over to the open forum on Lemmy (https://lemmy.linuxuserspace.show/c/forum) Ubuntu and flavors release 24.10 Ubuntu (https://ubuntu.com/blog/canonical-releases-ubuntu-24-10-oracular-oriole) Kubuntu (https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-24-10-oracular-oriole-released/) Lubuntu (https://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-24-10-oracular-oriole-released/) Ubuntu Budgie (https://ubuntubudgie.org/2024/10/ubuntu-budgie-24-10-release-notes/) Ubuntu Mate (https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-oracular-oriole-release-notes/) Edubuntu (https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/edubuntu-24-10-released/48647) Ubuntu Studio (https://ubuntustudio.org/2024/10/ubuntu-studio-24-10-released/) Ubuntu Cinnamon (https://ubuntucinnamon.org/?p=1348) Ubuntu Unity (https://ubuntuunity.org/posts/ubuntu-unity-2410-released/) Ubuntu Kylin (https://www.ubuntukylin.com/news/ubuntukylin2410-en.html) Xubuntu (https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-24-10-released/) Canonical's new Kernel selection policy explained (https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/08/canonical-announce-major-ubuntu-kernel-change) Stay tuned, Fedora 41 is coming soon (https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-41/f-41-all-tasks.html) 🧹Housekeeping🧹 Catch these and other great topics as they unfold on our Subreddit or our News channel on Discord. * 🗞️ Linux User Space Lemmy (https://lemmy.linuxuserspace.show) * 📰 Linux User Space subreddit (https://linuxuserspace.show/reddit) * ⌨️ Linux User Space Discord Server (https://linuxuserspace.show/discord) * 📲 Linux User Space Telegram (https://linuxuserspace.show/telegram) * ✉️ Linux User Space Matrix (https://linuxuserspace.show/matrix) * 📽️ Linux User Space Twitch (https://linuxuserspace.show/twitch) * 🐘 Linux User Space Mastodon (https://linuxuserspace.show/mastodon) * 📜 Linux User Space Twitter (https://linuxuserspace.show/twitter) * 📺️ Linux User Space TILVids (https://linuxuserspace.show/tilvids) * 📱 Linux User Space Bluesky (https://linuxuserspace.show/bluesky) 🔭Next Time🔭 We plan to cover the history of Snap Packages (https://snapcraft.io/). Come back in two weeks for more Linux User Space. Watch for our livestream announcements. Stay tuned📡 for announcements of our return and interact with us on Lemmy, Twitter, Mastodon, Telegram, Matrix, Discord whatever. Give us your suggestions on our subreddit r/LinuxUserSpace Join the conversation. Talk to us, and give us more ideas. All the links in the show notes and on linuxuserspace.show. We would like to acknowledge 🤩 our top patrons. Thank you 🙏 for your support! Producer Bruno Dave John Johnny Visaggio & Co Co-Producer --verbose MarshMan GrouchyM Pjol Tim Super User A.J. Advait Backshift6090 CubicleNate Eduardo S. FrozenGorilla Hausken Jeff3ix Jefferson Jill and Steve Larry LiNuXsys666 Livet Musical Coder Mick Nicholas Rotted Mood sleepyeyesvince
  • Episode 5:02: Mint Condition
    Coming up in this episode * Another browser watch * The History of Linux Mint and Cinnamon * And how spiced was it? 0:00 Cold Open 1:26 The Mozilla Happenings 22:13 Linux Mint & Cinnamon History 26:54 The Early Mints 32:46 Cinnamon Arrives! 38:49 The Mint and Cinnamon Journey 49:53 Our Spicy Cinnamon Journeys 1:16:44 Next Time! 1:20:09 Stinger The Video Version! (https://youtu.be/ZK9mn5miMPM) https://youtu.be/ZK9mn5miMPM Warm Up Mozilla got a new logo (https://www.theverge.com/2024/9/24/24253028/mozilla-brand-update-tyrannosaurus-rex-logo). Mozilla dot Social is dead on December 17th (https://www.theverge.com/2024/9/18/24248142/mozilla-will-shut-down-its-mastodon-server-on-december-17th). 📣Announcements📣 This program was made possible by: * 📺️Youtube (https://youtube.com/linuxuserspace) * 📽️TILvids (https://tilvids.com/a/linuxuserspace) * And by contributions to your L-U-S station by Patrons (https://patreon.com/linuxuserspace) like you 😍 The History of Cinnamon A new distro release (https://web.archive.org/web/20061019115016/http://linuxmint.com/content/blogsection/9/55/) Three months later (https://web.archive.org/web/20061210132202/http://lt.k1011.nutime.de/news.html) Version 2.0 of Linux Mint (https://web.archive.org/web/20061208052311/http://lt.k1011.nutime.de/20061113.html) Bea, version 2.1 (https://web.archive.org/web/20061209094505/http://lt.k1011.nutime.de/20061201.html) Bianca, version 2.2 (https://web.archive.org/web/20070708184233/http://linuxmint.com/) Mint's very own package manager 'apt' which is not-the-same-as-the-apt-you-know (https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=68) Lisa, version 12 (https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=1889) Maya, version 13 (https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=2031) Cinnamon 1.1.2 (https://web.archive.org/web/20120920015647/http://cinnamon.linuxmint.com/?p=53) Nemo was forked from Nautilus, Gnome's file manager (https://web.archive.org/web/20120905232228/http://cinnamon.linuxmint.com/?p=198) Cinnamon 2.2 (https://web.archive.org/web/20150418060752/http://segfault.linuxmint.com/2014/04/cinnamon-2-2) Cinnamon 2.4 (https://web.archive.org/web/20150329002036/http://segfault.linuxmint.com/2014/11/cinnamon-2-4/) Nemo got a plugin manager (https://web.archive.org/web/20150729143250/http://segfault.linuxmint.com/2015/06/cinnamon-2-6/). Cinnamon 2.8, gained a power applet (https://web.archive.org/web/20151129213516/http://segfault.linuxmint.com/2015/11/cinnamon-2-8-released/) Apps written by the Mint team for... everything (https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=2985) Cinnamon 3.0 was released (https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=3026) Better touchpad support, more animations and better window management. (https://web.archive.org/web/20161008034617/http://segfault.linuxmint.com/2016/04/cinnamon-3-0-released/) Plugins that Cinnamon could use were called Spices (https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=3094) Cinnamon 3.4 (https://web.archive.org/web/20170708083908/http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_sonya_cinnamon_whatsnew.php) Cinnamon 3.6 (https://web.archive.org/web/20180401182007/https://linuxmint.com/rel_sylvia_cinnamon_whatsnew.php) Cinnamon 4.0 (https://www.linuxmint.com/rel_tessa_cinnamon_whatsnew.php) Cinnamon 5.0 (https://www.linuxmint.com/rel_uma_cinnamon_whatsnew.php) "Thingy" (https://github.com/linuxmint/thingy) Cinnamon 6.0 with experimental Wayland (https://9to5linux.com/cinnamon-6-0-desktop-environment-arrives-with-initial-wayland-support) Cinnamon 6.4 will end up with a much needed facelift. (https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=4740) 📣More Announcements📣 Want to have a topic covered or have some feedback? - send us an email, [email protected] OR jump on over to the open forum on Lemmy (https://lemmy.linuxuserspace.show/c/forum) 🧹Housekeeping🧹 Catch these and other great topics as they unfold on our Subreddit or our News channel on Discord. * 🗞️ Linux User Space Lemmy (https://lemmy.linuxuserspace.show) * 📰 Linux User Space subreddit (https://linuxuserspace.show/reddit) * ⌨️ Linux User Space Discord Server (https://linuxuserspace.show/discord) * 📲 Linux User Space Telegram (https://linuxuserspace.show/telegram) * ✉️ Linux User Space Matrix (https://linuxuserspace.show/matrix) * 📽️ Linux User Space Twitch (https://linuxuserspace.show/twitch) * 🐘 Linux User Space Mastodon (https://linuxuserspace.show/mastodon) * 📜 Linux User Space Twitter (https://linuxuserspace.show/twitter) * 📺️ Linux User Space TILVids (https://linuxuserspace.show/tilvids) * 📱 Linux User Space Bluesky (https://linuxuserspace.show/bluesky) 🔭Next Time🔭 We plan to explore your feedback and some other topics. Our next history episode will be Snap Packages (https://snapcraft.io/). Come back in two weeks for more Linux User Space. Watch for our livestream announcements. Stay tuned📡 for announcements of our return and interact with us on Lemmy, Twitter, Mastodon, Telegram, Matrix, Discord whatever. Give us your suggestions on our subreddit r/LinuxUserSpace Join the conversation. Talk to us, and give us more ideas. All the links in the show notes and on linuxuserspace.show. We would like to acknowledge 🤩 our top patrons. Thank you 🙏 for your support! Producer Bruno Dave John Johnny Visaggio & Co Co-Producer --verbose MarshMan GrouchyM Pjol Tim Super User A.J. Advait Backshift6090 CubicleNate Eduardo S. FrozenGorilla Hausken Jeff3ix Jefferson Jill and Steve Larry LiNuXsys666 Livet Musical Coder Mick Nicholas Rotted Mood sleepyeyesvince The Saigoneer
  • Episode 5:01: Death and Ptyxis
    Coming up in this episode * Death & Taxes * Stop Filing Bug Reports! -- like that * and Your Emails! 0:00 Cold Open 1:25 Yubikeys are DEAD! 10:41 Deep In the Heart of Ptyxis 28:01 The Do's and Don'ts of Bug Reports 42:47 Email: Scott J 49:47 Email: Ben 52:49 Email: Bruce H 57:48 Email: Rob Simmons 1:03:22 Email: DailyDriver 1:04:24 Email: J 1:08:34 Pnext Time 1:10:17 Pstinger See the Video on Youtube (https://youtu.be/jWSVnDYeEe4)! https://youtu.be/jWSVnDYeEe4 Your Yubikey is DEAD! The Yubico advisory (https://www.yubico.com/support/security-advisories/ysa-2024-03/) arsTechnica coverage (https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/09/yubikeys-are-vulnerable-to-cloning-attacks-thanks-to-newly-discovered-side-channel/) The really deep dive details (https://ninjalab.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/20240903_eucleak.pdf) 📣Announcements📣 This program was made possible by: * 📺️Youtube (https://youtube.com/linuxuserspace) * 📽️TILvids (https://tilvids.com/a/linuxuserspace) * And by contributions to your L-U-S station by Patrons (https://patreon.com/linuxuserspace) like you 😍 Ptyxis? Accessibility in Ptyxis (https://blogs.gnome.org/chergert/2024/02/29/accessibility-in-ptyxis/) Fedora workstation (Gnome) will switch for F41. (https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/417) 📣More Announcements📣 Want to have a topic covered or have some feedback? - send us an email, [email protected] OR jump on over to the open forum on Lemmy (https://lemmy.linuxuserspace.show/c/forum). How to ask for help. (Social Soapbox) Dan's blog post (https://www.linuxuserspace.show/articles/how-to-ask-for-help). Article written by Simon Tatham (https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html). Lubuntu wiki page (https://git.lubuntu.me/lubuntu-wiki/wiki/wiki/Bugs) about submitting bugs. 🧹Housekeeping🧹 Catch these and other great topics as they unfold on our Subreddit or our News channel on Discord. * 🗞️ Linux User Space Lemmy (https://lemmy.linuxuserspace.show) * 📰 Linux User Space subreddit (https://linuxuserspace.show/reddit) * ⌨️ Linux User Space Discord Server (https://linuxuserspace.show/discord) * 📲 Linux User Space Telegram (https://linuxuserspace.show/telegram) * ✉️ Linux User Space Matrix (https://linuxuserspace.show/matrix) * 📽️ Linux User Space Twitch (https://linuxuserspace.show/twitch) * 🐘 Linux User Space Mastodon (https://linuxuserspace.show/mastodon) * 📜 Linux User Space Twitter (https://linuxuserspace.show/twitter) * 📺️ Linux User Space TILVids (https://linuxuserspace.show/tilvids) * 📱 Linux User Space Bluesky (https://linuxuserspace.show/bluesky) Feedback Scott J., Email Scott likes the Beelink with the Ryzen7 5800H (https://www.bee-link.com/products/beelink-ser5-max-5800h). Ben, Email Ben recommends Readeck (https://readeck.org/en/). Bruce, Email Bruce likes the Opera Browser (https://www.opera.com/). Rob Simmons, Email Rob found a great operating system for his old Chromebook, Lubuntu (https://lubuntu.me). Dan thinks that is good choice too. Like Leo, Rob prefers email too. And yes, he is a Simmons ;). Daily Driver, Email DD wants to promote a couple of hidden gem distros. Crunchbangplusplus (https://www.crunchbangplusplus.org/) Bunsenlabs (https://www.bunsenlabs.org/) https://www.theregister.com/2024/01/31/crunchbangversusbunsen_labs/ https://www.infoworld.com/article/2243143/the-death-of-crunchbang-linux.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CrunchBang_Linux J, Email J would like some notes, guides and configurations for Wireguard. Stay tuned to our blog (https://www.linuxuserspace.show/articles/). We will try to get something posted. 🔭Next Time🔭 Our first history episode of the season will be Cinnamon Desktop Environment (https://github.com/linuxmint/cinnamon). Come back for more Linux User Space in two weeks. Watch for our livestream announcements in between episodes. Stay tuned📡 and interact with us on Lemmy, Twitter, Mastodon, Telegram, Matrix, Discord and now Bluesky or whatever platform you prefer. Give us your suggestions on our subreddit r/LinuxUserSpace Join the conversation. Talk to us, and give us more ideas. All the links in the show notes and on linuxuserspace.show. We would like to acknowledge 🤩 our top patrons. Thank you 🙏 for your support! Producer Bruno Dave John Johnny Visaggio & Co Co-Producer --verbose MarshMan GrouchyM Pjol Tim Super User A.J. Advait Backshift6090 CubicleNate Eduardo S. FrozenGorilla Hausken Jeff3ix Jefferson Jill and Steve Larry LiNuXsys666 Livet Musical Coder Mick Nicholas Rotted Mood sleepyeyesvince The Saigoneer

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Sobre Linux User Space

How did your favorite Linux distribution get its start? Join us and find out! Linux User Space is hosted by Leo and Dan, and every two weeks we deep dive into the history of Linux distributions and the things that matter to us. Episodes drop every other Monday.
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