Hi, I’m Jiajia, a qualified language teacher and a language lover. If you have been learning Chinese for years and still haven’t reached fluency, I’m here to he...
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够:了解感恩的对象,中国的感恩文化,感恩的好处。「This episode is sponsored by pinyin app. 」预订和佳佳的线上一对一课-Book your 1-on-1 class with Jiajia: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/product-category/online-courses/加入会员以获取完整文本、释义、拼音和练习-Sign up for membership to receive the full transcription, explanations, Pinyin and exercises at https://speakchinesenaturally.com/join-us-2/一次性资助-One time donation at https://speakchinesenaturally.com/donation/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够:1.了解《游山西村》这首诗的大意,作者及创作背景。2. 深层理解两句富有人生哲理的千古诗句。「This episode is sponsored by pinyin app. 」预订和佳佳的线上一对一课-Book your 1-on-1 class with Jiajia: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/product-category/online-courses/加入会员以获取完整文本、释义、拼音和练习-Sign up for membership to receive the full transcription, explanations, Pinyin and exercises at https://speakchinesenaturally.com/join-us-2/一次性资助-One time donation at https://speakchinesenaturally.com/donation/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够:了解和学习2024年度10大流行语。「This episode is sponsored by pinyin app. 」预订和佳佳的线上一对一课-Book your 1-on-1 class with Jiajia: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/product-category/online-courses/加入会员以获取完整文本、释义、拼音和练习-Sign up for membership to receive the full transcription, explanations, Pinyin and exercises at https://speakchinesenaturally.com/join-us-2/一次性资助-One time donation at https://speakchinesenaturally.com/donation/
【和佳佳一起阅读】13个简单方法让 2025 年成为最棒的一年
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够:1.了解可能让你今年过得与众不同的13点建议。2.学习新的词汇。「This episode is sponsored by pinyin app. 」预订和佳佳的线上一对一课-Book your 1-on-1 class with Jiajia: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/product-category/online-courses/加入会员以获取完整文本、释义、拼音和练习-Sign up for membership to receive the full transcription, explanations, Pinyin and exercises at https://speakchinesenaturally.com/join-us-2/一次性资助-One time donation at https://speakchinesenaturally.com/donation/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够:1.了解谚语“光打雷,不下雨。”的意义和用法。2.练习发音。「This episode is sponsored by pinyin app. 」预订和佳佳的线上一对一课-Book your 1-on-1 class with Jiajia: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/product-category/online-courses/加入会员以获取完整文本、释义、拼音和练习-Sign up for membership to receive the full transcription, explanations, Pinyin and exercises at https://speakchinesenaturally.com/join-us-2/一次性资助-One time donation at https://speakchinesenaturally.com/donation/
Sobre Speak Chinese Naturally -Learn Chinese (Mandarin)
Hi, I’m Jiajia, a qualified language teacher and a language lover. If you have been learning Chinese for years and still haven’t reached fluency, I’m here to help!
Through this podcast you will learn the REAL Chinese. You will listen to different topics, such as the cultural, the custom, idioms and slang, stories, tips for learning and more.
Listen repeatedly-Read the transcripts-Do output activities. You will find yourself using new words and phrases that you’ve listened before automatically.
We provide full transcripts at https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
First 30 transcripts are free!
Ouça Speak Chinese Naturally -Learn Chinese (Mandarin), Hoy Hablamos: Podcast diario para aprender español - Learn Spanish Daily Podcast e muitos outros podcasts de todo o mundo com o aplicativo o radio.net