Independent Podcast Network | Sarah Bivens and Matthew Bivens
Doing It At Home - The Home Birth Podcast is a weekly podcast about home birth and our decision to go from a traditional hospital birth with an OBGYN to a natur...
Everything is energy - this is a principle that Matthew and I became aware of a few years ago and since then have used it to guide our lives. How we create and nurture our relationships, our businesses and how we make decisions in our lives have all been influenced. And especially our home birth journey.
Essentially when it comes to planning your home birth, it serves you well to drop judgements and be at peace with what is.
It’s also a great idea to think about the energy you have around you during your pregnancy and birth. This includes (but is not limited to) to physical environments you place yourself in, the people you hang around, the information, entertainment and food you ingest, and even down to the thoughts and emotions you have.
Pregnancy can be a particularly vulnerable time, so it’s important to be mindful of what you allow to enter your own energy field.
One way to think about it is to evaluate your ART form. In other words, your ACTIONS, RELATIONSHIPS and THOUGHTS. How is the energy of all of these things playing a part in your home birth experience?
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How Home Birth is a “Hands-On Experience” with Megan Hebenstreit
In today's episode we have another home birth story for you, this time from Megan Henebstreit.
Megan Hebenstreit is a straight shooter - she’s very real and super clear about her decision to go with home birth and how she experienced it.
She’s also known from a younger age that she was interested in home birth - something Matthew and I haven’t heard very often in our conversations with women and families. So that’s really exciting and inspiring!
One of the biggest things you get from Megan when you hear her birth stories is that birth has been so empowering for her. You also get to hear the difference in experience with her two births. One was relatively quiet, and in the other she thought her body was going to explode! Just goes to show how no birth story is the same, even for the same woman.
Megan’s honest story covers all manners of things many who choose home birth encounter like: resistance from family, conversations around the female body and its ability to know what it’s doing, and the physical experiences of a challenging pregnancy that make birth seem like “a breeze.”
Megan lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Ian and her two daughters, Amelia and Macy.
Links From The Episode:
Megan’s Instagram
The Business of Being Born
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Preparing Your Space For Your Home Birth
How do you get your space ready for your home birth?
In this episode we’re talking about ways in which you can prepare the physical space (i.e. your home) for your home birth.
For our home birth, Matthew and I were very intentional in wanting to create a peaceful, comfortable, relaxing space to welcome Maya into the world. We were also gifted with incredibly fabulous things like a home cleaning and a “homebirth space setting” ceremony, which really helped create the most amazing environment for birth.
So in this episode we share with you all the things that worked for us and some ideas to help make your home birth space as magical as it can be.
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Normal, Natural and Joyful Birth with Anne Margolis
In today's episode we're talking to Anne Margolis - Certified and Licensed Home Birth Midwife, Licensed OB/GYN nurse practitioner, practicing prenatal yogi, home birth expert and creator of
Anne believes in a healthy woman’s innate ability to give birth normally, naturally and with pleasure despite the challenges. She is devoted to protecting undisturbed physiological labor and birth, and, after our conversation, you'll see that she is a wealth of knowledge and resources!
It’s really exciting when things you put out into the Universe come together. That’s how I feel about this episode.
I had been following Anne Margolis of Home Sweet Home Birth for a while. I love the work she does and her influence of empowering women around holistic birth. With over 21 years of experience as a home birth midwife, more certifications than I have fingers, knowledge in all things pregnancy, birth and postpartum, and not to mention an Instagram following of over 47,000 people, it’s safe to say that Anne is a leader in the space of home birth. I knew we had to have her on the show.
When we finally connected, it’s so easy to see how Anne has touched so many lives. I could sit and listen to her talk for hours.
Anne has 4 children: 2 born in a hospital and 2 born at home (in that order). She brings the perspective of not only giving birth in a hospital, but also working in one as an obstetric nurse - an experience which oddly enough created a lot of fear for her around giving birth.
When she made the switch to midwifery and eventually opened up her own home birth practice, she describes it like “coming home.”
Anne is brilliant, personable and funny. This interview is chock-full of great quotes, tidbits of information and morsels on resources for you all to take advantage of. I say listen to this one with a notepad and pen. Listen, pause and re-listen.
It’s a great one!
Links From The Episode:
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Home Birth and Pregnancy Affirmations for Moms and Dads
In this episode we're giving you some powerful affirmations to help you prepare for your pregnancy and home birth. We have 2 affirmations for moms and 2 for dads.
We’ve talked a lot about affirmations on the show at different points in time - a little bit in our story and then in the stories of other moms, so we thought we’d create some of our own for you beautiful listeners!
I thought it would be fun to have some for both pregnancy and the birthing process. And not just for mamas - for the dads too!
This episode is a little shorter, but all the more sweeter. We both share our affirmations and a little bit on why we chose them and how they can contribute to a powerful and peaceful mindset and experience of your home birth.
We hope these affirmations serve you well or even inspire you to come up with your own!
Here are the affirmations for you to copy and use or share with others:
For Pregnancy
Sarah: I am fully connected to my body and my baby’s needs
Matthew: I anticipate our upcoming birth with joy and peace in my heart. It will unfold exactly as it should.
For Birth
Sarah: I am powerful, peaceful and fully supported as I give birth.
Matthew: I am strong. I am capable. I am intuitive. I am compassionate. I am patient. I am a parent.
Links From The Episode:
The blog post Matthew drew inspiration for his affirmations from: Birth Affirmations for Expectant Dads and Partners
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Doing It At Home - The Home Birth Podcast is a weekly podcast about home birth and our decision to go from a traditional hospital birth with an OBGYN to a natural birth at home with midwives. This is a raw and honest show that explores homebirth from every angle. We talk about the fears and judgements thrown at you when you choose home birth. We share resources that we found tremendously helpful for understanding our birthing options. We confess the magic and craziness in preparing for pregnancy, home birth, motherhood and fatherhood. We talk about having sex while pregnant and maintaining your connection and intimacy as a couple. We reveal how to stay centered and not lose yourself through pregnancy, and tons more! This show is all about adding an empowered conversation to the topic of home birth and natural birth, while keeping it real, grounded and fun. So strap in and join us as we’re doing it at home!