.:: IMMERSE YOURSELF IN OUR JOURNEY THROUGH TIME ::.If Indena lived by a single rule, it would be "being botanical since 1921". Listen to our original Phytocast...
2021: a new era begins where great challenges for technology, business and the environment intertwine, and individual wellbeing is at the center of a holistic vision of knowledge and research. One century has gone by since Indena’s first steps. The company’s unwavering trust in the potential of plant matrixes, and its investments in quality and research, create the conditions for new commercial and industrial developments, which already consider treatments’ future customization. Today, Indena is at the forefront among companies that conduct research on natural products, always pairing quality and personalized nutrition to support prevention, or help control the onset of various conditions such as cardiovascular diseases.
Phytocast 11: Learning from Nature
2010–2020: a decade of customization for both consumption and services, in which catalogues become virtual and endless, and smartphones allow us to explore the whole world.Indena has learned how to innovate in its natural habitat, botany, by processing powerful and complex molecules: a core expertise at the base of its flexible technological platform for the management of CDMO services. Today, Indena’s CDMO capabilities allow clients to submit the most complex requests in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical fields, relying on the company to develop custom molecules and extracts, both natural and synthetic.
Phytocast 10: Product Innovation
2000 – 2010: the new millennium is heralded by intense and complex events, including climate change and mega-cities growing to the point resource scarcity cannot be ignored. Science feels a strong attraction to Nature, channeled by biomimicry. But that’s nothing new for Indena: the company has always observed Nature as a laboratory in constant evolution, with a pivotal role in the ecosystem. In this scenario, Indena’s Phytosome is a real innovation for phytotherapy: a system to improve the bioavailability of extracts, without altering their structure and without resorting to chemical derivatives.
Phytocast 09: Research
The 1990s: the USSR collapses, an air of liberal democracy stimulates trade, scientific and cultural exchanges, and we see the rise of the Internet... it’s the dawn of the globalization era. Indena already operates in dozens of markets, but consolidates its profile by acquiring extraction plants abroad. Its botanical research network extends, increasing academic collaborations. The company invests funds and energy in the development of innovative solutions, including one to make taxanes. An intuition will lead Indena to establish its presence in the cytotoxic drug market.
Phytocast 08: The Phytocomplex
The 1980s: the Berlin Wall comes down, and a dream of freedom permeates countries and minds... Young people walk around listening to their Walkman, going from happy hour to disco, and start to pay more attention than ever to their health. Food is increasingly seen as an active element in any cure. “Nutraceutical” becomes a neologism, merging “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical”. The demand for natural health products rises. And Indena is able to capture the spirit of the decade, adding new value to phytocomplexes and laying the foundations for the new nutraceutical market.
.:: IMMERSE YOURSELF IN OUR JOURNEY THROUGH TIME ::.If Indena lived by a single rule, it would be "being botanical since 1921". Listen to our original Phytocast Podcast Series: time to celebrate our 100-year history.This is an audio journey of discovery into the realm of medicinal plants as we retrace the history of Indena, the world leader in the production of plant extracts. It is the story of a hundred years of botanical excellence.