Rude Eats is an unrestrained, bone-chilling podcast dissecting the details of NBC's delectable thriller, Hannibal. Each week, we serve up a hearty platter of an...
Here's a special epsiode everyone! Mary and I sat down to watch the movie Silence of the Lambs together, and recorded it so you can watch along with us. Just turn the movie on, toss on some headphones, and listen along as Mary discovers for the first time where Hannibal Lector came from. Rude Eats is hosted by Marie Vigouroux and Jeremy Greer. Follow our YouTube channel for fun videos, episode previews, and full episodes. If the app you're using doesn't support built-in transcripts, you can find PDFs for each episode at this link. You can hear more of Mary on her Supernatural podcast, Carrying Wayward, or her podcast about Our Flag Means Death, The Gentleman Pirate's Library. Jeremy's podcasts are collected at this website, unless you're looking for X-Men chat in which case you can use this link. Podcast art by AlexDreamsArt, and you can find all of their links here. We encourage you to reach out to Alex if you need art commissioned, we were overwhelmingly satisfied with the level of detail and thought put into our podcast art.Our intro theme and all music in the podcast was created by Jake Lionheart (with some help on the lyrics from Marie, Jeremy, and Autumn). Jake is a wonderful musician that can take any idea you throw at him and make it a reality. If you're looking to spruce up your podcast or your weekly DND sessions, get in touch.
Rude Eats (Two hour version) (Mary’s version)
In this episode we explore the theme of Identity. Who would we be if we don't think we're alive? Who does Will Graham believe he is? How many human suits does Hannibal have? Rude Eats is hosted by Marie Vigouroux and Jeremy Greer. Follow our YouTube channel for fun videos, episode previews, and full episodes. If the app you're using doesn't support built-in transcripts, you can find PDFs for each episode at this link. You can hear more of Mary on her Supernatural podcast, Carrying Wayward, or her podcast about Our Flag Means Death, The Gentleman Pirate's Library. Jeremy's podcasts are collected at this website, unless you're looking for X-Men chat in which case you can use this link. Podcast art by AlexDreamsArt, and you can find all of their links here. We encourage you to reach out to Alex if you need art commissioned, we were overwhelmingly satisfied with the level of detail and thought put into our podcast art.Our intro theme and all music in the podcast was created by Jake Lionheart (with some help on the lyrics from Marie, Jeremy, and Autumn). Jake is a wonderful musician that can take any idea you throw at him and make it a reality. If you're looking to spruce up your podcast or your weekly DND sessions, get in touch.
We discuss S01E10 - Trou Normand and the theme of boundaries, both making and crossing them. Will Mary survive Hannibal's medical gaslighting of Will? Honestly we don't even know if WILL survives it. Rude Eats is hosted by Marie Vigouroux and Jeremy Greer. Follow our YouTube channel for fun videos, episode previews, and full episodes. If the app you're using doesn't support built-in transcripts, you can find PDFs for each episode at this link. You can hear more of Mary on her Supernatural podcast, Carrying Wayward, or her podcast about Our Flag Means Death, The Gentleman Pirate's Library. Jeremy's podcasts are collected at this website, unless you're looking for X-Men chat in which case you can use this link. Podcast art by AlexDreamsArt, and you can find all of their links here. We encourage you to reach out to Alex if you need art commissioned, we were overwhelmingly satisfied with the level of detail and thought put into our podcast art.Our intro theme and all music in the podcast was created by Jake Lionheart (with some help on the lyrics from Marie, Jeremy, and Autumn). Jake is a wonderful musician that can take any idea you throw at him and make it a reality. If you're looking to spruce up your podcast or your weekly DND sessions, get in touch.
Kill for Will
For S01E08 - Fromage, we analyze the show with the theme of "intention". What is Alanna's intention, arriving unannounced at Will's home? What of Hannibal's inentions for Franklin, Tobias, and of course, Will? Our characters learn some truths about themselves in this episode.Rude Eats is hosted by Marie Vigouroux and Jeremy Greer. Follow our YouTube channel for fun videos, episode previews, and full episodes. If the app you're using doesn't support built-in transcripts, you can find PDFs for each episode at this link. You can hear more of Mary on her Supernatural podcast, Carrying Wayward, or her podcast about Our Flag Means Death, The Gentleman Pirate's Library. Jeremy's podcasts are collected at this website, unless you're looking for X-Men chat in which case you can use this link. Podcast art by AlexDreamsArt, and you can find all of their links here. We encourage you to reach out to Alex if you need art commissioned, we were overwhelmingly satisfied with the level of detail and thought put into our podcast art.Our intro theme and all music in the podcast was created by Jake Lionheart (with some help on the lyrics from Marie, Jeremy, and Autumn). Jake is a wonderful musician that can take any idea you throw at him and make it a reality. If you're looking to spruce up your podcast or your weekly DND sessions, get in touch.
Only One Bed in the Hospital
It's time for a tasty snack in between courses as we delve in S01E07 - Sorbet. We discuss the theme of performance, and how it relates to almost every character in the show.Rude Eats is hosted by Marie Vigouroux and Jeremy Greer. Follow our YouTube channel for fun videos, episode previews, and full episodes. If the app you're using doesn't support built-in transcripts, you can find PDFs for each episode at this link. You can hear more of Mary on her Supernatural podcast, Carrying Wayward, or her podcast about Our Flag Means Death, The Gentleman Pirate's Library. Jeremy's podcasts are collected at this website, unless you're looking for X-Men chat in which case you can use this link. Podcast art by AlexDreamsArt, and you can find all of their links here. We encourage you to reach out to Alex if you need art commissioned, we were overwhelmingly satisfied with the level of detail and thought put into our podcast art.Our intro theme and all music in the podcast was created by Jake Lionheart (with some help on the lyrics from Marie, Jeremy, and Autumn). Jake is a wonderful musician that can take any idea you throw at him and make it a reality. If you're looking to spruce up your podcast or your weekly DND sessions, get in touch.
Rude Eats is an unrestrained, bone-chilling podcast dissecting the details of NBC's delectable thriller, Hannibal. Each week, we serve up a hearty platter of analysis, garnished with dark humor and spiced with ominous insights. We carve into every episode, savoring the rich, layered storytelling, and devouring the psychological intricacies with relish.
You'll be hooked from the first bite as we explore the gourmet horrors and exquisite terrors that make Hannibal a show to die for. So, pull up a chair, grab a glass of Chianti, and join us at the table. This isn't just a podcast; it's a feast for the senses—one that leaves you craving more, even if you know you shouldn't...Hosted by Marie Vigouroux and Jeremy Greer, art by AlexDreamsArt, music by Jake Lionheart.