The Nexus explores the intersection of design, identity, and practice through conversations with Black designers, writers and educators. Brought to you by the A...
Season 4, Episode 3: The work of Polymode and Poche Design both give reference to Black visuality: odes to their West African cultural heritage, traditional architectural education, deep knowledge of the Black archive to offer two disparate, but fully embodied approaches to graphic design.
The post Silas Munro and Tobi Ashiru first appeared on African American Design Nexus.
Ryan Clarke
Season 4, Episode 2: dweller has been unearthing the Black origins of electronic music and informing political discourse through provoking, and expansive expert interviews understood in the lens of Black electronica.
The post Ryan Clarke first appeared on African American Design Nexus.
Season 4, Episode 1: serpentwithfeet has exhibited this versatility through experimental R&B music, and the creation of safe spaces for Black queer communities to relate and flourish through critical reading, and self-reflection.
The post serpentwithfeet first appeared on African American Design Nexus.
Mpho Matsipa and Antawan Byrd
Title: Season 3, Episode 4: Mpho Matsipa and Antawan Byrd navigate Pan-Africanism and Counter-Cartographies in curatorial and archival practice.
The post Mpho Matsipa and Antawan Byrd first appeared on African American Design Nexus.
Ama Gisèle and RESOLVE Collective
Season 3, Episode 3: Ama Gisèle and Resolve Collective’s Akil and Seth Scafe-Smith offer a candid exploration that challenges traditional boundaries in art, architecture, and filmmaking, all while pondering the future of design and its impact on inclusive spaces.
The post Ama Gisèle and RESOLVE Collective first appeared on African American Design Nexus.
The Nexus explores the intersection of design, identity, and practice through conversations with Black designers, writers and educators. Brought to you by the African American Design Nexus, an initiative at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design that seeks to showcase the work of Black designers, explore different geographies of design practice, and inspire design institutions to adopt new approaches toward elevating Black designers.