400 years after the world plummeted into an apocalyptic existence. Civilization had managed to survive, cultivating its own domain from the ashes. Unfortunately...
While on a highly classified escort mission across the desolate desert wasteland, Tom's Cargo vehicle breaks down hours away from returning to base. Furious with the Convoy's new predicament, the Captain (Tom's Father) engages in an argument with Tom's quick abilities over the timeliness of repairs. Stuck in the middle of a rapidly growing desert storm, the situation quickly escalates as a very real danger appears before them. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
400 years after the world plummeted into an apocalyptic existence. Civilization had managed to survive, cultivating its own domain from the ashes. Unfortunately, history seemingly tends to repeat itself, thus giving birth to new evils in this desolate wasteland. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.