Gerard Encuentra is the coach of Hiopos Lleida of the Spanish Endesa League. The saying goes that the “whole” is more than the sum of its “parts”. Gerard Encuentra is the perfect example: season after season, he continues to show that he can make the interaction of the “parts” —his players— come together to form a “whole” —the team—… that few could have imagined. Now, you will hear Gerard’s lessons in Catalan. The English version is available in the YouTube video of the episode.Check the notes, other episodes and related blog posts in of the episode:Video Final Four Girona | Força LleidaVideo Play-Off ACB | Magna BrushVictus: The Fall of Barcelona | Albert Sánchez PiñolHerr Pep | Martí PerarnauGerard Encuentra, con MICRÓFONO | ACBVÉRONIQUE RICHARD | Adapt or dieThe Creative Act: A Way of Being | Rick RubinLo esencial: Una guía de diseño para la vida | Miguel MiláTor. 13 cases i tres morts | Carles Porta This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
MANU SOTELO, LLUÍS BERNAT & DIEGO RIVAS | Football players who can touch the ball with their hands
The rules state that, in football, there are only two positions: those who can touch the ball with their hands and those who cannot. Training, however, often focuses on the latter, while the former, the goalkeepers, are separated from the group with a coach that some call “trainer” and others “entertainer”. With Lluís, Diego, and Manu, we aim to integrate a player that has continuously been isolated from the team. Here starts the conversation in Spanish. The English version is available on the YouTube video of the episode.Notes of the episodeJOAN CORTÉS | The coaching genius My Turn: The Autobiography | Johan CruyffPep Confidential: The Inside Story of Pep Guardiola's First Season at Bayern Munich | Martí PerarnauA Life Too Short: The Tragedy of Robert Enke | Ronald RengALBERT BATALLA | The art and science of teachingÓSCAR CANO | Essential footballAntifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder | Nassim Nicholas Taleb This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
What is in the room?
In defense of the intervention of the coach.Go to to check the written version of the episode, its notes and much more content. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
JOAN ALCARAZ | Being and doing of a Methodology Director
There are coaches who seek empty forms devoid of meaning, and others who pursue functions full of purpose. Some work on “ideal” decontextualized patterns, while others encourage uncertain and adaptive behaviors. Some memorize, store, and implement drills and models mechanistically, while others explore and adapt efficiently to the uniqueness of each context they encounter. The same applies to those in charge of methodology. After all, they are coaches in a different context, with a different label. Joan Alcaraz belongs to the latter group, and he shares how he approaches this as the Methodology Director of RCD Mallorca. Now, the conversation in Spanish. The English version is available on the YouTube video of the episode.Notes of the episodeAluminosis organizacional | Xavier MarcetRadical | Cristopher ZallaThe Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation | Jaques RancièreCoaching meditations | Andreu EnrichDexterity and its development | Nicholai A. BernsteinTraining or Synergizing? Complex Systems Principles Change the Understanding of Sport Processes | Rafel Pol, Natàlia Balagué, Angel Ric, Carlota Torrents, John Kiely & Robert HristovskiTraining or Synergizing? Complex Systems Principles Change the Understanding of Sport Processes | Rafel Pol, Natàlia Balagué, Angel Ric, Carlota Torrents, John Kiely & Robert HristovskiALBERT BATALLA | The art and science of teachingTodo se puede entrenar | Toni Nadal This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
JORGE SANZ | Can we integrate cycling training?
Jorge Sanz is the Sports Director of the Cycling Movistar Team. When he was young, he went to study in Barcelona, where he was greatly impacted by a trainer of football players —not a physical coach— named Paco Seirul·lo. With Jorge, we discuss in Spanish the integration of training in a sport where fragmentation reigns. You know you have to English version in the YouTube video of the episode.Check the notes, other episodes and related blog posts in: fosburyflop.blogNotes of the episodeÓSCAR CANO | Essential footballEl día menos pensado | José Larraza & Marc PonsPlomo en los bolsillos | Ander IzagirreCómo ganar el Giro bebiendo sangre de buey | Ander IzagirreEl entrenamiento en los deportes de equipo | Paco Seirul·loA TRUE RENAISSANCE: Our Tour de France 2024 - Inside the Beehive | Team Visma | Lease a BikeGoiGroup | Arturo Goicoechea This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit