Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 157: Examining River Check Raises for Value
Bart takes a look at some close check raise river lines for value. He also discusses other spots dealing with thin value and bet sizing tells.
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 156: Same Session; Different Games Part 2
Bart continues a review of a session where he played a mix of stakes and in this episode he speaks a lot on multiway theory
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 155: Same Session; Different Games
This week Bart cover a clump of hands where he plays 2/2 PLO, 2/5 NLHE and 5/10NLHE. He was gifted a large pot at 5/10 when his opponent slowplayed his hand to death then made a huge mistake trying to get an opponent off of a chop, illogically.
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 154: Extracting Max from Small Stacks
This week Bart reviews a clump of hands played from a rare Saturday afternoon session at the Encore in Boston Harbor. In this session he encounters several situations which required a bit of creativity in order to get the maximum value against opponents with smaller stacks.
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 153: Fishing Exploits at Higher Stakes
This week Bart takes a look at some "fishing exploits" that he made at a recent 5-10-20NL game played at the Encore Boston Harbor where most of the lineup were pros but with one big fish at the table. He discusses how he played differently against this fish and how he might take different lines vs the pros.