A fully updated and fascinating "where are they now" of all the main players in "Dirty Windshields", including members of the Smugglers past and present, beloved roadie Ska-T, Nardwuar the Human Serviette, Larry Livermore from Lookout Records and more.
Dirty Windshields - Epilogue - Rock 'n' Roll Was Never This Fun (The Lookouting)
The Smugglers are pulled out of a dozen years of dormancy by a young promoter from a legendary venue: 924 Gilman Street in Berkeley, California, for an epic event that would eventually become known as "The Lookouting." In turn, "Dirty Windshields", and the Smugglers, received a surprise happy ending...
Dirty Windshields - Ch 45 - Hate To Say I Told You So
In this final chapter, the Smugglers meet the ghosts of their future at a freezing arts collective in Switzerland: the rapidly rising garage rock 'n' roll band The Hives.
Dirty Windshields - Ch 44 - Supergyration
NEW ZEALAND! The Land of the Long White Cloud! WE MADE IT!!! This was one of the Smugglers most exciting and fulfulling touring destinations in our many years on the road and in the air. Shows were packed, songs were shouted, Kiwi friends and lovers made. All this even though Beez barely made it into the country despite our endless internal crossing-borders training.
The Smugglers embark on their first tour Down Under, supporting Oz punk legends the Hard-Ons, but all does not go to plan due to a series of calamities involving various Australian wildlife, both human and otherwise, culminating in the Smugglers suffering their first-ever robbery on the road.