Welcome to the HOLOSKY podcast with your hosts Steve and Kyle, where we cover all things paranormal from aliens, ghosts, missing people, and much much more. LET...
Welcome back to the show everyone, on this episode we continue our story with Tess and her demons. Things keep getting worse until she final decides to seek help. She has a woman form a paranormal team come over and attempt to cleanse the house and comfort Tess. The woman makes an obvious suggestion and tells Tess to start praying. As Tess begins to fall back into her faith it ignites a conflict with the demon at first. Things seem to spiral for her and her family. After some adjustments and time it seems to level itself out and keep the demons at bay. However any moment Tess slips on her daily routine the demon finds the cracks and shows back up. Once releasing the book the paranormal activity ramped up again as well. Including her children seeing this dark entity more often. Hopefully in the future we’ll find and update on how Tess and her family was finally able to ward off these dark forces permanently. Thanks for listening to the show and as always stay safe and stay weird. Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.comFacebook and Twitter @holoskypodcastInstagram @ theholoskypodcast If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email. If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be 1 (618) 556-0837 If you want to send us weird shit then please do! Holosky PodcastP.O. Box 145Fieldon, IL62031 If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us! https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU ——-Discord Link Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible. Dark Array MediaOur Sponsors:* Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.comSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
Night Shift Ep.94
Live Paranormal Talk ShowCheck out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.comFacebook and Twitter @holoskypodcastInstagram @ theholoskypodcast If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email. If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be 1 (618) 556-0837 If you want to send us weird shit then please do! Holosky PodcastP.O. Box 145Fieldon, IL62031 If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us! https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU ——-Discord Link Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible. Dark Array MediaOur Sponsors:* Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.comSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
Attacked By An Incubus
Welcome back to the show everyone, on this episode we go through a terrifying Incubus encounter. As told by Tess Rutjens, in her book Stalked By A Demon. She tells of when she was little and got bored one day having out with her friend. They ended up playing with an ouija board and summoning something. A black mass appeared in the basement with a smell of pure sulfur. As time goes on Tess will have bizarre encounters with paranormal activity. However one night her life changes for the worse. She has what she calls a “devil dream” and is attacked by an entity. During these encounters it will almost take on sleep paralysis. However one day she is woken up during one of these dreams and can still feel the attack happening. We hope you enjoy the show and as always stay safe and stay weird. Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.comFacebook and Twitter @holoskypodcastInstagram @ theholoskypodcast If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email. If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be 1 (618) 556-0837 If you want to send us weird shit then please do! Holosky PodcastP.O. Box 145Fieldon, IL62031 If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us! https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU ——-Discord Link Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible. Dark Array MediaOur Sponsors:* Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.comSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
The Disappearance Of David Glenn Lewis
Welcome back to the show everyone, on this episode we follow the disappearance of David Glenn Lewis. During a normal weekend, Davids wife comes home to find her husband missing. The laundry is running, the football game is being taped, and sandwiches are in the fridge. The cops are notified and the hunt begins. As usual though it doesn’t take long for the authorities to conclude that David wanted to disappear. They found his wedding ring and watch on the kitchen counter. They also find his vehicle at the courthouse where he works with all of his identification in the car. So they assume that David just wanted to disappear and start a new life. However oddities in the case keep popping up. During this time halfway across the country a body is found in a hit and run accident. After years of it remaining unsolved they run the DNA through the database and conclude this is linked to Davids missing person case. We hope you enjoy the show and as always stay safe and stay weird. Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.comFacebook and Twitter @holoskypodcastInstagram @ theholoskypodcast If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email. If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be 1 (618) 556-0837 If you want to send us weird shit then please do! Holosky PodcastP.O. Box 145Fieldon, IL62031 If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us! https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU ——-Discord Link Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible. Dark Array MediaOur Sponsors:* Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.comSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
Night Shift Ep.93 - Maynards Night Shift
Live Paranormal Talk ShowCheck out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.comFacebook and Twitter @holoskypodcastInstagram @ theholoskypodcast If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email. If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be 1 (618) 556-0837 If you want to send us weird shit then please do! Holosky PodcastP.O. Box 145Fieldon, IL62031 If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us! https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU ——-Discord Link Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible. Dark Array MediaOur Sponsors:* Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.comSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
Welcome to the HOLOSKY podcast with your hosts Steve and Kyle, where we cover all things paranormal from aliens, ghosts, missing people, and much much more. LET’S GET WEIRD!