Just the Right Book is a podcast hosted by Roxanne Coady, owner of famous independent bookstore R.J. Julia Booksellers in Madison, CT, that will help you discov...
The Emotional Legacy of the Holocaust with Judy Batalion
In this episode of Just the Right Book, Judy Batalion joins Roxanne to discuss her book, The Light of Days, out now from William Morrow & Company.Buy the book from RJ Julia:The Light of Days - Judy BatalionSign up for our podcast newsletterJust The Right Book SubscriptionPromo Code (15% off): PodcastEmail us at: [email protected]
Senator Chris Murphy: How Do We Solve the Violence Inside Us
This week on Just the Right Book with Roxanne Coady, we revisit our conversation with Senator Chris Murphy where he discussed his book The Violence Inside Us: A Brief History of an Ongoing American Tragedy. Elected in 2012 as the youngest member of the U.S. Senate, Chris Murphy has earned a reputation as a serious legislator who is willing to stand up for his principles and reach across the aisle. Since the Newtown school shooting in December 2012, he has also become the best-known leader in Congress in confronting the plague of gun violence in America. Now in his second term representing Connecticut, he and his wife, Cathy, an attorney, have two young sons, Owen and Rider. Related Episodes: Senator Will Haskell John McCain in His Own Words Discover more books at RJ Julia Booksellers.Buy the book from RJ Julia:The Violence Inside Us - Chris MurphySign up for our podcast newsletterJust The Right Book SubscriptionPromo Code (15% off): PodcastEmail us at: [email protected]
An Epic Journey from Slavery to Freedom with Ilyon Woo
Ilyon Woo just won the Pulitzer Prize for biography this week! Her book, Master Slave Husband Wife: An Epic Journey from Slavery to Freedom is now available in paperback. Buy the paperback book from RJ Julia: Master Slave Husband Wife from RJ Julia - Ilyon Woo Sign up for our podcast newsletter Just The Right Book Subscription Promo Code (15% off): Podcast Email us at: [email protected]
Tim Wu on the Corporate Dangers of a Return to Fascism
In this episode of Just the Right Book with Roxanne Coady, we revisit our conversation with Tim Wu to discuss his book, The Curse of Bigness, now available in paperback and which examines the history of antitrust actions in the 20th century, making the argument that breaking up today's largest high-tech titans would be good for business as well as our democracy. Buy the book from RJ Julia: The Curse of Bigness - Tim WuSign up for our podcast newsletterJust The Right Book SubscriptionPromo Code (15% off): PodcastEmail us at: [email protected]
How to Find God in a World Full of Disappointment with Anthony Kronman
In this episode of Just the Right Book with Roxanne Coady, she is joined by Anthony T. Kronman to discuss his book, After Disbelief: On Disenchantment, Disappointment, Eternity, and Joy, out now from Yale University Press. Anthony Kronman is Sterling Professor of Law and a former dean at Yale Law School. He is the author of Confessions of a Born-Again Pagan and Education’s End: Why Our Colleges and Universities Have Given Up on the Meaning of Life. He lives on Block Island, Rhode Island. Buy the book from RJ Julia: After Disbelief: On Disenchantment, Disappointment, Eternity, and JoySign up for our podcast newsletterJust The Right Book SubscriptionPromo Code (15% off): PodcastEmail us at: [email protected]
Just the Right Book is a podcast hosted by Roxanne Coady, owner of famous independent bookstore R.J. Julia Booksellers in Madison, CT, that will help you discover new and note-worthy books in all genres, give you unique insights into your favorite authors, and bring you up to date with what’s happening in the literary world.