Jimmy and Judith are sent on a mission to visit the Chinese Restaurant and bring back a feast to celebrate Chinese New Year.
The Firebird
The classic Russian fairy story of a Prince who goes in search of the mystical and wonderful firebird or yar-bird.
The Tiny Birds and the Mighty Sea
A wise story from India about two tiny birds who take on the full force of the mighty sea.
Jake's Spell of Bad Luck
Jake's best friend Birdy is away on an important mission. Meanwhile Jake's little sister has some friends over and they are playing with some pretend spells. They try to put a bad luck spell on Jake. He's not sure if the magic is real or not, but all too soon he starts to suffer from a spell of bad luck.
Halloween at the Cafe
The mice who live in the café by the sea overhear that ghost pirates are coming to the café. Should they run away? Our Reluctant hero Jimmy mouse is sent to investigate.