Things don’t always go as planned: Sometimes a drive in the mountains, or a swim in the ocean, suddenly turns into a dangerous situation. Other times it might b...
Season 5 will debut on Monday, January 27th.To learn more about the show, check out
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Learning to Land on the Fly
On May 10, 2022, Darren Harrison was one of two passengers flying home to Florida from the Bahamas. They were still over the Atlantic Ocean when the pilot suffered a medical emergency and passed out at the controls, sending the plane into a nosedive. Darren was able to pull out of the dive and regain altitude. But he had no idea how he was going to land the plane.Robert Morgan is an air traffic controller in West Palm Beach, Florida. He was on his break when a call came over the PA for him to go to the radar room. His supervisor explained Darren’s predicament. It was Robert’s job to direct Darren to the airport and get him safely back on the ground.We also speak with psychologist Dr. Fanny Ng about how to manage stress and improve decision making under pressure.
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After Addiction, a Chance to Do Right
Justin Downey had a choice — change his life or die. At 16, he was addicted to heroin. In his 20s, he was in and out of prison. While serving a three-year sentence, Justin’s kids were taken into state custody. He knew he had to become a new man for his family and for himself. Getting clean was the first step. But he also had to find purpose, community and a way to support himself.Margo Walsh started drinking when she was 15. By the time she graduated from college, she was an alcoholic. After she got sober, she founded MaineWorks — a company that helps people with substance issues and felony convictions reintegrate into society. There, Justin found what he needed.We also speak with Nancy Dauphinais, a licensed mental health counselor and addiction professional, about the signs someone is struggling with substance use and how to support them.
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A 9/11 Miracle
On September 11, 2001, Stanley Praimnath went to work on the 81st floor of the south tower of the World Trade Center, same as he always did. When a plane struck the north tower, Stanley and many others began their evacuation. But when he reached the lobby, he was told his building was safe and to return to work. He was back in his office minutes later when a plane hit the south tower and tore through his floor.Brian Clark’s office was three floors up from Stanley on the 84th floor. When the tower was hit, Brian and a few of his co-workers headed to the stairwell to escape. When they reached the 81st floor, Brian heard a voice crying out for help. We also speak with NYFD firefighter Regina Wilson about how to prepare for an evacuation in the office or at home.
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Rip Current Rescue
In April 2023, Liv Titor visited Dreamtime beach on Australia's Gold Coast. What happened to her that day felt like a nightmare. After a quick swim, Liv walked out onto a sandbar beside some rocks. Then she felt a pull at her legs and fell into the water. Liv stepped into a rip current that quickly pulled her out to sea towards massive waves and jagged rocks. John Gordon, a local surfer, was making the most of the big swells at the beach when he saw Liv get swept away. He knew if he didn’t act quick, she would drown so he ran into the ocean, hopped on his surfboard and paddled towards the deadly current with the hopes of rescuing a stranger.We also speak with Kelsey Cummings, a lifeguard with the California Surf Life Saving Association to talk about ocean safety.
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Things don’t always go as planned: Sometimes a drive in the mountains, or a swim in the ocean, suddenly turns into a dangerous situation. Other times it might be a medical emergency, or a family lost in a foreign country. These are the true stories of people helping people during the most pivotal moments in their lives.
Each episode also includes a conversation with an expert to provide added advice around crisis situations. Featured guests from the first two seasons include a psychologist, a search-and-rescue expert offering practical tips for surviving a blizzard when you are caught in a remote area, an emergency management expert and many more. Tell Me What Happened is brought to you by OnStar.